Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 24 - Watercolors

Kept the kids busy with watercolors while I packed for our weekend trip this morning.  Look at the details & especially look at the tiny, darling hands.

May 23 - Gymnastics Show Day!

L to R: Harley, Joshua, Miss Kenzie, Carter, Andlie, Kelton, Brooke, Katie, Ellie

We got to go in the gym today during gymnastics for "Show Week!"  Bryan even came to watch (which Andlie loved).  She was the best one there!  We got to see her do: monkey jumps, donkey kicks, forward & backward rolls, jumps on the spring board, flips on the bars, walks on the balance beam, hangs on the rings, and more!  At the end of class, they had a cute little medal ceremony with the entire class.  Andlie was proud & so were we!!

May 22 - Scooter!

Andlie has been working hard doing extra chores & being such a good helper around the house!  So, she earned a scooter!  That girl has balance!  She just hopped right on & took off like she'd been practicing for days!  Way to go, Andlie!

May 21 - Daisey

Daisey came to visit on her way home today!  (And Mandy & Tim.)  It made for a wonderful lunch hour!  Thanks, guys!  Love ya!

May 20 - Muddy Buddies

Mmmmm!  Made a batch of Muddy Buddies & spent the night riding bikes & being outside.  Fun way to spend an evening together.  So happy that it's light & warm out until bedtime!

May 19 - Fun Park

Went and had a picnic at a fun, new park!  Climbing is serious business to Andlie & she loves it!  Haze was more interested in going over to see the "big lawn mowers."

May 18 - Visitors!

Had a great day with Grama, Grampa, Mand, Tim and Daisey today!  Grama & Grampa bought a fun new toy (too bad they took it with them when they left), the babies played in the puddle, we went to Riverwoods, had a picnic at the park (brrrrr), and just hung out & had fun!  What a wonderful Saturday!

May 17 - Pushin' Mommy

Haze pushed me in the swing tonight!  He was so proud & kept telling me, "Momma, uh do unner-dog!  Push ya high in the sky!"  And then he got his proud face on.  I love his proud face.  And his blonde hair.

May 16 - Mindy & The Park

Mindy came to visit tonight!  Guess what that means?  Date night for Mommy & Daddy!  As always, we had a great time out alone visiting & being together.  Mind took the kids to the park & got this darling shot of our littles.  Yummy!  Thanks, Mind!!

May 15 - Splash!

Haze has found a new Summer hobby.  Don't know where he is?  Check the puddles.  Think his shoes will stay dry through the day?  Think again.  Love the look on his face?  So do I!

May 14 - Drawings

So today some neighbor kids brought over their light sabers.  Andlie was amazed.  She played with them and loved every second!  Well, when the kids had to go home, she decided to draw some light sabers to keep her mind occupied.  Do you love her picture of a light saber?  Because I do...

May 13 - Watchin' Basketball

If this boy is sad, there's always one thing that can turn that frown upside down.  Watchin' basketball.  I'm tellin' ya, this kid lives for basketball!

May 12 - Mother's Day

"...but whatever else you do, cherish the role that is so uniquely yours and for which heaven itself sends angels to watch over you and your little ones."
- Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

And, man, do I ever cherish this wonderful role that I am blessed to get to be able to enjoy.  It's truly a perfect, marvelous blessing.  It's joy.  I am so grateful.

May 11 - New Hair

I got highlights in my hair & some layers cut in.  Felt so good to have new hair!  I love it!

May 10 - Books

Caught this sweet moment of Daddy reading the "donut book" to Haze tonight.  My kids are so lucky.

Friday, May 10, 2013

May 9 - Brave Bracelet

Andlie sometimes gets a teensy bit nervous going to gymnastics lately so today we made a "brave bracelet" out of yarn that helped her be brave through the whole entire time!

May 8 - Treasures

When Bryan helped move his Grandma a couple weeks ago, he totally scored on some cool stuff!  He brought home some old puzzles and the kids have loved them!  He also brought one of his Grandpa's old hats that now sits on his nightstand.  And, he got this really intricate wooden butterfly decoration that sits above my nightstand.  I put them there so we can remember every night how lucky we are to belong to such wonderful families - both of them.

May 7 - Umbrellas

Bryan & I looked out the back door to see what all the noise was about and we saw these two cute little bums & umbrellas.  Or as Andlie calls them, "gumbrellas."  And for some reason, Haze thinks the handle has to hook in between his legs in order for it to work properly.  Hence the slight hunch.  These kids.  We love 'em.

May 6 - Supers

Andlie is a super hero!  Complete with her "super hero outfit, her super hero mask, her super hero backpack with her super hero weapon in it," and her super hero pose! 

Haze (as usual) wanted to do just what she was doing so I found him a super hero outfit.  Don't judge it.  It's the best I coud do.  And yes, it's a Teletubby costume. 

The super heros ran around the house with their arms out shouting, "suuuuuuuuuuuuper hero!"  Then they got hungry and sat down for some brownies.

May 5 - Temple Square

Spent the afternoon at Temple Square today.  Beautiful weather.  Beautiful flowers.  Beautiful family.

May 4 - Bike

Haze watches & copies everything Andlie does.  And since she's riding bikes a lot these days, Haze wanted to learn too!  So, he's slowly getting the hang of pedaling on Andlie's old bike.  (See the determined look on his little face?)

May 3 - Father/Son

Daddy & Haze went on their first Father/Son Campout!  Don't worry, they only stayed for dinner & play time.  No sleepovers yet.  They had fun playing catch & (Haze's favorite) throwing rocks in the river.  (Three cheers for Bryan for taking lots of cute pics for the blog!) 

Of course, while they were gone me & Andlie did girl things together.  And if you guessed that girl things mean riding millions of loops around the park on our bikes, you are right.  Fun night for all of us!

May 2 - Bike

Andlie rides her bike with no training wheels!  We're talking no help starting, stopping, pedaling, turning, going fast, or going slow.  Like no one is by her at all.  And she speeds around the neighborhood like she's been doing it for months! 

Bryan & I "helped" her learn for about five hours total and during those times, we were to "stand and watch," but not really touch her.  She pretty much taught herself to ride a bike.  What the?!  We are so proud of our Andlie and her determined attitude & ability to do something so awesome at age 4!  Yay!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1 - Pet Store

We had to grab a couply groceries this morning.  In order to get my kids happy about the idea, I told them we could visit the pet store if they were good.  I think they look so cute all smushed up against the windows, tapping on the glass, and talking to each animal we see. 

April 30 - Lunch

This is my view from lunch every day.  Andlie sits across from me & makes silly faces & puts on peanut butter lipstick.  Hazey usually stands up, sits down, stands up, growls, and throws his food.  And Andlie scolds him.  And then tells me a joke.  I love lunch.

April 29 - Summa Outfits

The kids wore some of their new Summer outfits today!  We bought Haze's outfit & Andlie's shirt in Cedar.  Then, I am proud to say that I made Andlie's shorts!  Well I didn't like gather the fabric & measure & sweat.  But I didn't turn her pants from this Winter into her shorts for this Summer - hem and all!  Aren't they cute?  The kids.  And the shorts.

April 28 - More Cedar

Had another fun-filled day in Cedar today!

Haze spent much of the day doing one of his beloved things - playing the guitar with Bryce!

Grama got her pool out after much begging.  Bryce played in it with her at her request.

We went to Grandma Rene's house & played on her swing set!