Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 5 - Real Birthday

Birthday Activities
Get sung “Happy Birthday” by Grandma & Grandpa Goodwin and Mandy, Tim, and Daisey on Google+ web chat on 01/04/13.
Wake up to house decorated with banners & balloons.
Open presents!
Eat number 4 shaped pancake w/flower sprinkles on top.  This is what she requested for breakfast.
 Andlie said, “Hey, where’s all my number 4s?”  So I ran out and bought some more decorations including some 4s and put them up while Andlie & Daddy watched her new movie, “Madagascar 3.”
Help Mom stuff party treat bags for later.  Loved this.  Was pretty excited about what was in them – whistle, magnifying glass, slinky, Skittles.
Have lunch.  Her choice – pizza!  Go with Mom to pick it up.
Have a “party!”  Mikelle, Ty, and Jonah Duff and Kate Sorenson came over & played downstairs and had cake & ice cream.  Andlie was so proud when everyone was singing to her.  (Her cake had a layer of green cake, a layer of purple, and blue frosting with pink dots – at her request.)
Hand out treat bags to all guests when they left.  She loved this.  She squealed with delight coming up the stairs to give them away.
Watch “Brave” while snuggling with Daddy.
Get more presents in the mail – a mini tool set from Grandma & Grandpa and a robot & gum from Mandy, Tim, & Daisey.  Thrilled.  “Fixed” Mommy & Daddy’s shoes with her new tools.
Go to Kangaroo Zoo (bounce house)!  Meet Todd/Heidi Brown & kids there.  She also squealed with delight when we got here.  Had a wonderful time!  Loved the bounce houses & even went on big slides!
Open present from Browns – Disney bedtime story book. 
Give them treat bags – thrilled again!
Dinner of her choice.  She chose chicken nuggets & fries from Wendy’s.
Sneak some frosting from her cake.  Lots of it.
Watch "Madagascar 3" again while winding down.

What a sweet, tender, smart, sassy, perfect daughter we have.  We love her so much more than she'll ever ever know.  Happy birthday, Bug!  We love yo so much!

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