Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 19 - Hat

We went to the park tonight.  Of course, we had to ride our bikes to get there.  I just can't get over Haze's teensy baseball hat.  I'm in love.

March 18 - Shennie Package

We got a package today.  This time, it was from Shen!  It was FULL of fun Easter stuff, which Andlie promptly lined up & looked at.  No touching.  (She's just like me.)  Once again proving that we do, in fact, have the best family in the entire world!  Thank you, Shennie!  Your package brightened our day!

March 17 - Holding Hands

Sure, it was St. Patrick's Day today.  We had green oatmeal for breakfast & made sure to wear green all day long.  But, let's get real.  That's not the cutest thing that happened today.  Andlie held hands in church!  Her friend came right up to her after Sacrament meeting & started talking to her about his loose tooth.  Then he asked if she wanted to go to Primary with him.  So this is how they walked down the hall to Primary together.  Oh my heck, how cute! 

(Don't mind that I was like a Crazy rushing down the hall pushing people down trying to get my phone out of my bag and focus on the tiny friends.) 

March 16 - Dirt

Little Boys
Author Unknown

Little boys come in all shapes and sizes,
Shy and adventurous, full of surprises,
With misshapen halos and mischievous grins,
Small dirty faces, and sweet, sticky chins.

They'll keep you so busy, and yet all the while
Nothing can brighten the world like their smile.
And no greater treasure has brought homes more joy
Than a curious, active, and loveable boys!

March 15 - Dad's Car

I've said it a million times, but the Tots love their Daddy!  Today he came home from work and they couldn't even wait til he got out of his car to sit on his lap & hug him!

March 14 - Fridge Pictures

We have a picture of each of our families on our fridge.  Haze goes to the fridge & points everyone out & waves to them each individually at least once a day.  I love hearing his cute voice saying, "Hi, Daise-ee.  Hi, Gamma.  Hi, Byce."  Then it's even better when I look over & see his cute little hand waving.

March 13 - Bike Trailer

We got the bike trailer out and hooked it up to Bryan's bike about a week ago.  Now every time we go outside, it's Haze's seat.  He loves it.  He loves going on bike rides in it.  Like, loves.  The first words out of his mouth when we open the door & he sees the trailer are, "Bike ride?  A go fer bike ride?"  Then if I tell him, "Not right now, Buddy," he'll scowl at me & say, "A why?  Cuz."  And then continue to sit in it.  Sometimes, he'll disappear while we're outside playing.  This is usually where we find him.  Just patiently waiting to "go fer bike ride."

March 12 - Spring

Spring is finally springing!  We've been spending most of the day outside lately.  Climbing in trees, blowing & popping bubbles, riding bikes, drawing with chalk are our new favorite activities.  Oh, and eating lunch outside.  And, maybe using peanut butter from our sandwiches as lipstick.  Me & Haze don't dig that one as much, but Andlie loves it!  Peanut butter is the new pink.

March 11 - Bowling

Tonight for FHE, we went bowling!  It was Haze's first time and he LOVED it.  Andlie has been before, but she loved it just as much as Haze. 

Bryan wins for fastest toss down the lane and highest score.  He also wins the prize for helping Haze push the ball down the kid rail and down the lane.  And finally, he wins for not letting Haze jump down into the shoot that the ball comes out of.  That little boy loved watching the balls shoot up and out and got as close as his little face could get without getting chopped into bits.

I win for almost beating Bryan for the first time!  And for being the Mom that is not too cool to request bumpers during her turn.  I also win for taking Andlie with me for most of my turns.

Andlie wins for being able to pick up the bowling ball by her very own self!  But wait!  She didn't stop there!  She also learned how to carry the ball to the kid rail and push it down the lane all by herself!  Pretty much she took her own turns all by herself!  And she also wins for turning around with the cutest little proud smile on her face every time.

Haze wins for just shouting and jumping with excitement the entire time.  He also wins for saying "bowling" like this: "BO-WEL-ING."  He also ties with Andlie for sporting the tiny bowling shoes and looking so freakin' cute.

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 10 - Basketball

If you think Haze could do just one thing without taking his basketball with him, you'd be wrong.  Tonight Spalding enjoyed a warm bath with Haze.

March 9 - We're Outdoorsy

We totally went to Cabela's and Scheels today.  We're outdoorsy now.  Fine, me & Andlie went to Scheels to ride the ferris wheel and we went to Cabela's to see the live fish.  Whatev.  We had fun.

March 8 - Name

Look who writes her name all by herself now!

March 7 - Pimp

Haze was totally rocking the pimp look today.  Our kids have swagga.

March 6 - At the Park

Sunshine!  We spent most of the morning at the park today.  It was glorious!  Hurry up, Spring!

March 5 - Dreams Come True

Today we had play group at our neighbor's house.  Haze immediately found the basketball hoop & was stuck there for the full two hours.  When it was time to leave & I tried to make him leave the hoop there......woe.  He started screaming, crying, smacking his head on the ground, yelling "no", smacking my face, and sweating from the tantrum he was throwing.  Hence the reason why this hoop is now at our house.  We borrowed it for a while.  We'll definitely have to get our own. 

He would sleep with the hoop if we let him.  It's the first thing he does in the morning and the last thing he does before bed.  And honestly, the thing he does before and after every other thing in his day.

I don't think words can say how much he is in love with the hoop.  Like really.  Dreams really do come true.  And his did today.

March 4 - FHE

Tonight we learned about the Godhead: Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.  For our activity, we colored clovers.  (Get it?  Three members of the Godhead & three leaves on the clover.)  I thought everyone's picture really showed personality.  Note that Andlie can write her own name now.  Thanks for the great lesson, Daddy!

March 3 - Funny

He still thinks this is hilarious.  So do I.  Thanks, Bryce.

March 2 - Busy Saturday

Today we:
Went to the baptism of a long time family friend, Isabelle.  Then we played at her house & ate yummy food after.
Played & played & played outside!  It was finally sunny!  We climbed trees, rode bikes, played with the neighbors, and just enjoyed the sun.
Went to a "Night at the Museum" where the exhibits "came to life."  We got to see and pet live animals, see all types of different dances, see a bear cave, be in jail, and see a dancing dinosaur (Andlie's favorite by far).  That was fun too!
Went to dinner at Artic Circle & came home.

Fun Saturday together.  So happy to see the sun!

March 1 - One Year

So, today we went to lunch with Bryan.  While we were there, one of his co-workers (HR lady) came and gave him a card.  The card read, "You've been here for one year today!  Happy anniversary!"  Holy crap.  We've been here for one year??

We sure have learned a lot up here.  We've learned to talk and listen to one another.  We've learned to support one another.  We've learned to encourage one another.  We've learned to be better parents.  We've learned to have open minds.  We've learned to rely on our Heavenly Father.  We've learned that life can be hard.  We've learned that attitude really is everything.  We've learned that we are blessed.  We've learned to love it up here. 

February 28 - Bean Bags

Haze is really starting to love his bean bag.  I told him to smile at me for a picture.  (Dare you to look at this picture and not laugh.)

February 27 - Story Time

We're really finding our grove up here and have been learning more about our surroundings and finding new things to do.  Today we went to Story Time at the public library!  We sang songs, played games, and listened to stories.  I can remember when I went to Story Time with my Mom.  (Like five minutes ago.)  I can't believe I'm doing it with my own kids! 

February 26 - And That Makes Three

Found another play place for the kids at the mall by our house tonight!  It has a climbing wall, big huge foam blocks, a slide, and a huge punching ball.  The kids both love it!  And the Mom loves that it is clean.  (Or at least surface clean.)

February 25: Virgins No More

We are no longer virgins of Costco.  Big carts.  Overwhelming amounts of.....everything.  Room for Haze to run to his heart's content (until he tries to pull over a wine shelf).  And Andlie's favorite, a huge swing set with a slide.  I think we'll get a membership.

February 24: Sunday Events

Mindy made a special trip to our house to visit us before church.  The kids love her.  And so do we!
Andlie gave her first talk in Primary today!  (It was actually leading the theme, but I count it because she had to speak in the microphone.)  
I went up to help her, but she pretty much said it on her own.  "Please stand.  I am a child of God.  I know Heavenly Father loves me and I love Him.  I can pray to Heavenly Father any time, any where.  I am trying to remember and follow Jesus Christ." 
She wanted to hold a picture up for her "talk," so she held up a picture of Jesus.
Bryan & Haze came in and watched her.
She did so good!  No tears, no shyness.  Just confidence & smarty-pants!  Proud parents.
I used the last of the Christmas chocolate today.  Sad face.  But delicious face because it was delicious.

February 23 - Fire & Ice

We went down to the outdoor mall tonight to the first annual "Fire & Ice" celebration!  We watched this guy carve some cool ice sculptures with only a chain saw, an ice pick, and his imagination.  It was pretty cool.  Plus, they had snowboarding/ski demonstrations (complete with a jump set up), and fireworks!  It was cold & snowy, but we had a great time!

February 22 - This Boy

This boy loves oreos lately.  He has the longest eyelashes in the family (besides Daddy).  He asked for "govies" tonight & wore them around.  Just a diaper and govies.  This boy said his first prayer with help tonight.  (Repeating after Daddy.)  "Heve Fot-er, Famly, Mommy, Daddy, Annie, Shhhhh - Seeping.  Jesus Christ, AMEN!"  Translated: Heavenly Father, Thankful for our family.  Thankful for Mommy, Daddy, Annie.  Bless us to sleep good.  Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

This boy melts my heart.