Monday, March 11, 2013

February 24: Sunday Events

Mindy made a special trip to our house to visit us before church.  The kids love her.  And so do we!
Andlie gave her first talk in Primary today!  (It was actually leading the theme, but I count it because she had to speak in the microphone.)  
I went up to help her, but she pretty much said it on her own.  "Please stand.  I am a child of God.  I know Heavenly Father loves me and I love Him.  I can pray to Heavenly Father any time, any where.  I am trying to remember and follow Jesus Christ." 
She wanted to hold a picture up for her "talk," so she held up a picture of Jesus.
Bryan & Haze came in and watched her.
She did so good!  No tears, no shyness.  Just confidence & smarty-pants!  Proud parents.
I used the last of the Christmas chocolate today.  Sad face.  But delicious face because it was delicious.

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