Thursday, July 25, 2013

July 24 - Pioneer Day

Bryan woke up & went to work.  (Lame.)
Me & kids woke up at 8:30 & sat around watching cartoons.  I looked up parade times at around 9 & realized there was one 20 minutes away at 9 AM. 
Rushed to the car (with no makeup on me and Andlie's hair not done) and made it to the parade at 9:45.
Sat at the end of the parade route and caught every single float & enjoyed the parade!  Perfect.
Came home & ate pizza for lunch.
I worked.  (Lame.)
Me & the kids made a handcart using only cardstock, markers, glue, and our imaginations!
Bryan came home & we ate dinner and then played baseball outside & played in our sandbox.
Went to the splash pad & toy store!
Bought & lit our own fireworks!
(Haze did okay for a while and then just jumped off my lap & bolted to the front door crying.)
Put our jammies on & headed out to watch the big city fireworks.
Made it just in time for them to start!  Watched & enjoyed big fireworks & came home to bed.

Happy Pioneer Day!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 23 - Splash

Andlie got brave today at the Splash Pad & ran under the umbrella drip and then stayed by the pole in the middle!  There is a big umbrella above her and the water is dripping down all around her!  Brave Andlie!

July 22 - Baseball

Haze has found a new sport with a ball that he loves.  If he sees the bat or the ball, it's over.  You might as well just give in & go play baseball for a while.

This is his baseball stance.  He'll huck you the ball & say, "Throw it.  Ready, set, go!"  And when he hits it (most of the time), you better watch out!  That ball comes back at ya pretty hard! 

July 21 - Temple

Went to the temple for a nice stroll tonight.  Both kids love the fountains & we stopped there for the majority of our time.  After they were done in the water, Andlie enjoyed hanging upside down on the hand rails by the stairs as Haze jumped down each stair while narrating, "Oomp!  Oomp!  Oomp!"  It was a fun night in a beautiful place!  We love our bouncy, energetic babies!

July 20 - First Birthday Party

Andlie went to her first birthday party all by herself today - Jonah's!  She has been excited since we got the invitation last week.  We've been preparing (buying presents, wrapping them, discussing what she'd wear, etc.) since then too!  Well, she was "kiiiinda nervous" when it was time to go so I stayed with her for a minute & then left.  She did great!  The party was just outside our door, so I sneakily checked on her a couple times & found her contently eating pizza & playing with kids in the sprinklers.  Yahoo!

July 19 - Dinner & Coloring

We ate dinner at one of our favorites tonight - Red Robin.  Andlie kept herself busy while waiting for her "sa-weet cheese samwich" by participating in the coloring contest!  She colored so good!  She had three colors to choose from & used them all very well!  She's getting so big!

Her favorite parts of her picture were the "bird's blue butt" and his "blue beak."

July 18 - Haze's Doctor Visit

Haze had his two year well check today.  He was excited to see the "BIG fishies" when we got there.  Not so excited when we started heading back to the doctor.  He started crying and screaming the second the nurse walked in and asked him if she could measure his head.  To which he responded, "NO!!  I DON'T WANT TO!!" 

She asked some developmental questions like:

Can he run by himself?  Um, probably faster than me.
Can he walk down stairs on his feet?  Yes, but usually he prefers to jump down each step.
Can he talk in two word sentences?  As you can see, he just spoke to you in a five word sentence.
Can he kick a ball?  Yes, and you better run for cover when he does.

He is definitely ahead of schedule with his social & developmental skills (that's how we roll in our house).  Then the doctor came in and all hell broke lose!  Haze was screaming and yelling "I DON'T WANT TO!!! NO WAY!!" the entire exam.  And sweating and turning red.  There was nothing we could do but laugh.  He didn't even have any shots!  Everything checked out really well & we were told to come back in a year.

Haze's Two Year Stats
Weight: 26.8 lbs (31%)
Height: 36 inches (82%)

Love you, Hazey!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 17 - Morning Walk

Today we went for a morning walk!  The kids ate breakfast in their jammies while I took us on a stroll around the block.  Fun way to start the day!

July 16 - Two Binks

He thought he was pretty clever and funny.  And to be honest, so did we.

July 15 - Gotta Pee

Haze has been watching Andlie pee with amazement lately.  And just recently, he started telling me, "I gotta pee," and then he walks to the bathroom and sits on the toilet for a few seconds before saying, "All done!"  He's pretty proud.  And if you think I'm gonna start potty training him, you're wrong.  That's too hard.  Maybe in a couple years.

July 14 - Lake Time

We spent the evening at the lake tonight!  Both kids had fun filling their buckets with rocks & then throwing them all in!  And, we had a family of ducks come to the shore to visit!  Me & Bryan even saw a beaver swimming around gathering sticks!  Both kids were thoroughly impressed with Bryan's ability to skip rocks and throw giant rocks both high and far.

Bryan got bit by a mesquito & told that to Andlie.  On the way home, she said, "Dad!  Tell Mom what happened!"  "What happened?"  "Mom!  Dad got bit by a CHEETAH!"  Well, I'm sure glad he made it out alive.

July 13 - Scottish Festival

We went to the Scottish Festival with Grama & Grampa today!  It was fun to hear bagpipes & learn about where Bret is serving his mission!  The kids even enjoyed the bagpipes!  (Andlie has turned into Haze's little protector & is always looking out for him.)

After we watched bagpipes for a while, we went and got our faces painted!  Andlie got a beautiful butterfly & Haze got a basketball.  Of course.  By the end of the day, Andlie's butterfly was gone because she "wanted to be able to scratch her face whenever she wanted."  Haze kept his on most of the day & kept telling us, "Got basketball on a face!!"

July 12 - Summer

We went to the Greenburg's house for a fun BBQ tonight!  We played with friends, visited, swam in their pool, played in their sandbox, ran around, ate good food, and just had a great night with friends!  Too bad I didn't take any pictures.  Though I did get this one of Andlie earlier in the day.  Ahhhh, Summer!

July 11 - 15 Weeks

I'm 15 weeks today!

Wore my first maternity shirt on July 2.
First pants on July 6.
Heard sweet peanut's heartbeat yesterday!  It was beating at a strong 140 bpm! 
Feeling pretty good.  Not really sick if I eat snacks & keep my tummy full.  But still so tired.

Excited for our ultrasound next month!

July 10 - New Shoes

Big boy got some new shoes last night!  He loves them.  He keeps saying, "Uh got new shoes!  One, two!  Or-age shoes!" 

July 9 - Rope Dress

"Look, Mom!  It's a rope dress!"

Good thing she was so cute this afternoon.  It totally cheered me up after getting laid off.

July 8 - Trapeze

Andlie watched Madagascar 3 this afternoon & immediately got the idea to make her own trapeze/circus!  So, that's what she did.  And might I say, it looks almost the same as the scene from the movie!  I'm so happy she uses her imagination! 

Everything was going well until she asked me if we could screw some ropes into the ceiling so she could perform her trapeze act.

July 7 - Church Clothes

Daddy was in Portland today, so I sent him a picture of the kids all ready for church.  Things to notice: Andlie is wearing a necklace that she made herself.  She is also wearing her Cinderella jelly shoes/high heels that light up.  She is carrying a princess wand & her princess journal.  (They both make "sparkling noises.")  Haze is holding a basketball.  Because that is all he ever needs.  Nothing more. 

Grama & Grampa have been here tending us since Daddy is gone and they have spoiled us!  Yesterday they bought lunch, let me nap for 4 hours, played with & loved on the kids, had a "2 girls & 1 boy meeting" while Haze was sleeping (according to Andlie).  And today they took Haze during Primary and made me a delicious Sunday dinner.  Thanks so much, Mom & Dad!  You guys are wonderful!

July 6 - Balloon Fail

The Hot Air Balloon Festival ended today.  We decided to give it one more try so we woke up at 6 AM again.  (Grama & Grampa were even here visiting and they came too.)  Got there & found out it was cancelled due to weather again.  Bummer!  At least we got to spend the morning with Daddy before he left for Portland to see Kadri & Sander!

July 5 - Fireworks

We lit fireworks at our house tonight after it got dark!  Haze hated it.  Like shudder & crying & nervous hated it.  So, I took him inside, gave him his blankie, and let him watch cartoons while me, Bryan, & Andlie lit fireworks outside.  He was much happier that way.  Andlie loved lighting fireworks & kept saying, "Woah!  That was aweomse!  I love that one!"  We had a great time outside!  (And I'm sure Haze really enjoyed not being out there with us.)

July 4 - 4th of July

Watching the parade.

We had a great 4th of July!  Here's what our day was like.

6 AM: Wake up & drive downtown to see the Hot Air Balloon Festival.
6:30 AM: Get to the field to hear an announcement that the balloons will not fly due to weather.
7 AM: Eat breakfast at McDonald's instead of watch balloons.
8 AM: Wander over to the parade route & find a decent seat.
8 AM: Enjoy the pre-parade entertainment!
9 AM: Watch & enjoy the parade!  Get candy & other fun handouts!  See many princesses on floats & (Haze's favorite) KSL's Chooper 5 helicopter filming the parade!
11 AM: Pool/water party at our house with the neighbor kids!
12 PM: Lunch
1 PM: Naps for everybody!
5 PM: Cook & eat our 4th of July dinner - grilled BBQ chicken, corn on the cob, and apple/poppyseed green salad with strawberry shortcake for dessert!
7 PM: Light a few fireworks at our own house.
7:30 PM: Head to the temple to get a good seat for Stadium of Fire fireworks!  Bring lots of treats.  Play games & visit & wander around.  See lots of fireworks going off at people's houses.  Haze tells strangers to, "Watch the fireworks, honey!"
10:30 PM: Fireworks!
11:30 PM: Make it home & go to bed!

It was definitely a full day, but a great day and we had so much fun together as a family!

July 3 - Bath

I'm not sure why, but this is new favorite spot.  I found him here when we were supposed to be eating lunch & he wandered away & got quiet.  But, don't worry, he took his juice with him.  And threw all the bath rags in so it was soft.  And was just sitting quietly and enjoying some quality alone time (or waiting anxiously for Mommy to find him so he could "cheese!")  Smart kid.

July 2 - Splash Pad

Went to the splash pad today!  It's so hot outside!  As always, both kids had a blast!  Andlie pranced around avoiding the big splashes & jumping in puddles.  Haze stomped around purposely waiting for the big splashes so he could stick his face right by them. 

Andlie poses for pictures now.  And Haze was blocking the giant stream of water from coming out of the hole.

July 1 - Decorations

We put up our July decorations today!  I didn't have much more than a few flags, so I made the wreath for our front door.  And of course we had to get the holiday colored balloons.  It's become a birthday/holiday tradtion in our house.  After the morning was over, we were all ready for the 4th of July!

June 30 - Hanging With Family

Today we spent the day hanging out with cousins, aunts, uncles, and Grama & Grampa!  These kids are some lucky ones to have such awesome grandparents!

June 29 - Grandma's Funeral

Today was Grandma's funeral.  It was beautiful.  I know she loved it.  It had her favorite things in it - music & her family.  My favorite part of her obituary is, "But her most favorite thing above all was gathering with her family to laugh and tell stories.  Her unique and contagious laugh will be missed.  Irene simply made life better for her family by her presence, love and support of all their endeavors.  She was very proud of her posterity."

I'm so thankful to be part of such a wonderful woman's posterity.  She certainly will be missed, but I'm sure she was greeted anxiously and excitedly by many others on the other side!  What a blessing and comfort to rely on!

June 28 - Grandma's Viewing

Today we drove to Cedar for my Grandma 'Rene's viewing & funeral.  Tonight was the viewing.  She looked so beautiful & peaceful.  It was a good night & we had a great time with family. 

This is my favorite picture from tonight.  My cousin snapped it for us when we didn't know - and I'm so thankful for it!  To me, it captures Bryan as what I know him to be - my protector, my friend, my favorite.  He is always gently by my side comforting & laughing & just...there.  Always.

June 28 - Foot

Today, Andlie traced my foot & then "drew some toes to match mine."  Almost an exact match, wouldn't you say?

June 26 - Ice Cream

We put our new membership to use tonight!  After a quick shopping trip, we had to stop for some ice cream!