Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 18 - Haze's Doctor Visit

Haze had his two year well check today.  He was excited to see the "BIG fishies" when we got there.  Not so excited when we started heading back to the doctor.  He started crying and screaming the second the nurse walked in and asked him if she could measure his head.  To which he responded, "NO!!  I DON'T WANT TO!!" 

She asked some developmental questions like:

Can he run by himself?  Um, probably faster than me.
Can he walk down stairs on his feet?  Yes, but usually he prefers to jump down each step.
Can he talk in two word sentences?  As you can see, he just spoke to you in a five word sentence.
Can he kick a ball?  Yes, and you better run for cover when he does.

He is definitely ahead of schedule with his social & developmental skills (that's how we roll in our house).  Then the doctor came in and all hell broke lose!  Haze was screaming and yelling "I DON'T WANT TO!!! NO WAY!!" the entire exam.  And sweating and turning red.  There was nothing we could do but laugh.  He didn't even have any shots!  Everything checked out really well & we were told to come back in a year.

Haze's Two Year Stats
Weight: 26.8 lbs (31%)
Height: 36 inches (82%)

Love you, Hazey!

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