Friday, January 17, 2014

December 31 - First Bath

Nora had her first sponge bath at home tonight.  And....she hated it!  Cried the entire time.  But she got clean & snuggly & smelled so good when she was done!  

December 30 - Mickey Mouse

Andlie went with Daddy to the store today.  She said she "needed to buy Haze and the baby a present."  She chose a Mickey Mouse bath toy for Haze.  He immediately fell in love.  And we found him sleeping with it by his head tonight when we checked on them before we went to sleep.

December 29 - Coming Home

We brought our sweet Nora home today!  Grama & Grampa Goodwin were so nice to drive up to tend Andlie & Haze at 3:00 AM yesterday and we are so thankful they did.  What a blessing!

On our drive home, Bryan & I discussed how different it was to bring the third child home.  Waaaaay less stress.  Andlie called on our way home & said, "When are you bringing the baby home?!"  I told her to stand outside & wait for a surprise.  We pulled up to cute pink balloons & "It's a Girl" signs.  And both Andlie & Haze were jumping up & down in the doorway wildly waving their arms & saying, "Hi, Mommy!  Hi, Daddy!"  And their faces were filled with their darling smiles.  Through tears, me & Bryan agreed that bringing home this baby was better than bringing home a first baby because of that greeting!

Andlie loves holding Nora.  I think it might be one of her new hobbies.  Haze is still deciding, but he is soft & sweet with her anyway.

What a sweet spirit Nora brings with her to our home.  Our hearts are full.

December 28 - Nora Jane Allen

Nora Jane Allen arrived this morning at 7:08 AM!  She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces and was 19 inches!

Labor was great - the fastest one yet!
11:30 PM (12/27): Water broke.
2:00 AM: After much persuasion from Bryan, I realized I actually was in labor & we headed to the hospital while Bryce stayed here with Andlie & Haze.
2:00 AM - 5:00 AM: The nurses at the hospital left us alone in our room.  Contractions were hard, fast, and intense.  It was kind of nice to just be alone together in a quiet room.
5:00 AM: Finally got officially admitted to the hospital.  IV was placed.  I was dilated to a 5.
5:20 AM: Epidural!  Praises!
6:30 AM: I felt dizzy & hot.  Just....not good.  Nurse checked me.  I was dilated to a 10 & fully effaced!  She told me not to push until the doctor got there.
7:00 AM: Doctor arrived.  Pushed one time and part of another and Nora was here!

Hospital visitors included: Andlie & Haze, Grama & Grampa Goodwin, Grama & Grampa Puppy, and Bryce.  Andlie immediately fell in love & wanted to hold you!  Haze was sweet & nice to you, but was still deciding what he thought about you.  We were so thankful to have Grama & Grampa Goodwin here & taking care of Andlie & Haze at home!  We are so blessed.

Here are some highlights from my journal.

Bryan whispered, “She’s here!”  We both saw how tiny & beautiful she was.  Bryan’s eyes immediately filled with tears.  Mine followed shortly.  Bryan gave me a kiss.  Our baby girl was here!  She was beautiful & perfect and ours.  Again, I was filled with love.  For her, for Bryan, for Heavenly Father.  What a wonderful & perfect blessing.

I finally got to hold Nora!  She was tiny & smelled so good & she was perfect.  I immediately noticed her button nose and long eyelashes & dark hair.  She was mine.  This moment – with the love of my life, Bryan, and a new tiny member of my family, Nora – this moment was pure love.  She was here & perfect and there is no other word to describe everything except…  My heart was full.  Almost to burst.  It was a calm, quiet moment.  Everything in the room was gone except me, Bryan, and Nora.  I felt so thankful to have her.  So thankful that she was ours.  And I kept falling in love over & over & over.

December 27 - Christmas Goodies

Had a great day playing at home together with our new Christmas toys!  We sure got spoiled!  Spent the evening downstairs painting, visiting, and watching movies.  (And hoping baby would arrive soon.)