Friday, January 17, 2014

December 28 - Nora Jane Allen

Nora Jane Allen arrived this morning at 7:08 AM!  She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces and was 19 inches!

Labor was great - the fastest one yet!
11:30 PM (12/27): Water broke.
2:00 AM: After much persuasion from Bryan, I realized I actually was in labor & we headed to the hospital while Bryce stayed here with Andlie & Haze.
2:00 AM - 5:00 AM: The nurses at the hospital left us alone in our room.  Contractions were hard, fast, and intense.  It was kind of nice to just be alone together in a quiet room.
5:00 AM: Finally got officially admitted to the hospital.  IV was placed.  I was dilated to a 5.
5:20 AM: Epidural!  Praises!
6:30 AM: I felt dizzy & hot.  Just....not good.  Nurse checked me.  I was dilated to a 10 & fully effaced!  She told me not to push until the doctor got there.
7:00 AM: Doctor arrived.  Pushed one time and part of another and Nora was here!

Hospital visitors included: Andlie & Haze, Grama & Grampa Goodwin, Grama & Grampa Puppy, and Bryce.  Andlie immediately fell in love & wanted to hold you!  Haze was sweet & nice to you, but was still deciding what he thought about you.  We were so thankful to have Grama & Grampa Goodwin here & taking care of Andlie & Haze at home!  We are so blessed.

Here are some highlights from my journal.

Bryan whispered, “She’s here!”  We both saw how tiny & beautiful she was.  Bryan’s eyes immediately filled with tears.  Mine followed shortly.  Bryan gave me a kiss.  Our baby girl was here!  She was beautiful & perfect and ours.  Again, I was filled with love.  For her, for Bryan, for Heavenly Father.  What a wonderful & perfect blessing.

I finally got to hold Nora!  She was tiny & smelled so good & she was perfect.  I immediately noticed her button nose and long eyelashes & dark hair.  She was mine.  This moment – with the love of my life, Bryan, and a new tiny member of my family, Nora – this moment was pure love.  She was here & perfect and there is no other word to describe everything except…  My heart was full.  Almost to burst.  It was a calm, quiet moment.  Everything in the room was gone except me, Bryan, and Nora.  I felt so thankful to have her.  So thankful that she was ours.  And I kept falling in love over & over & over.

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