Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 25 - Movie Night

Went to the movie tonight - all four of us!  The kids both did really well!  Andlie was fine as long as she had her "Sprite pop" and Haze was fine if he: had his "milk" (AKA Fruit Punch), "pa-quarn," and could see Mommy.  He got bored with about half hour left, but that's because we got there 20 minutes early. 

When the movie started, Andlie said, "Woe.  This is frickin' loud." 

When I took Haze out to go potty with me, he said, "Guess what?"  "What?"  "Monster butt."  (Giggle, giggle, giggle.)  The butt joke is his new favorite.

June 24 - Members

We did it.  We finally got a Costco membership tonight.  I have a feeling it's gonna be a big mistake one of the best decision we've ever made. 

June 23 - Popsicles in the Chair

Andlie spent her Sunday afternoon "playing circus" in her special leotard (that she requested).  We're talking two kitchen chairs + her bean bag + the ottoman with three pillows & a balloon stacked on top + Haze's bean bag lined up right in front of the couch.  I love that she uses her imagination! 

After Haze woke up from his nap, the star of the circus joined him for a popsicle on the chair.  I love Sundays.

June 22 - Baseball

Went to our first baseball game tonight!  We've been waiting for these to start for a long time & tonight didn't disappoint!  We saw a real, live owl, took pictures with mascots (and gave them countless high fives), played at the playground inside the arena, and enjoyed fireworks after the game!  Perfect.

Grandma 'Rene also passed away this morning.  We're so happy for her return to many family members that I'm sure were excitedly waiting, but sad to lose her here on Earth.  She was a wonderful lady who set a wonderful example of faith & womanhood. 

June 21 - What's That?

Caught Haze in this pose for quite some time after his bath tonight.  No caption needed.  (Giggles.)

June 20 - Visitors

Since Shennie & Grama joined us for swimming lessons this morning, I finally got pics!  Me & Haze are in the top pic (look for the bun) & Andlie is in the bottom (look for the green suit). 

Andlie was so brave & went to the mall all by herself with Shen & Grama this afternoon!  She came home with a new shirt for her & one for Haze, some new Merida flip flops, a strip of pics from the photo booth, some earrings for me (that she picked out), and an owl air freshner for me from Bath & Body Works.  (She told Shen & Grama, "My Mom loves owls!")  Darling girl. 

Tonight, me & Bryan got to attend the temple together since we had babysitters!  Thanks so much, guys!  The temple was wonderful!

It was great to have visitors & we spent the day totally taking advantage/having fun with them!

June 19 - Play Dough

Haze got a play dough truck with lots of gadgets for his birthday.  The kids really had fun playing with it tonight!  I think it's a new favorite toy for both of them.

Shennie & Grama also arrived at our house tonight!  Horray!

June 18 - Summer

Nothing says "Summer" like playing basketball at the neighbor's house/in the street wearing nothing but a swimming suit & helmet/a diaper & flip flops!  Plus we spent the evening at Seven Peaks splashing in the water & going around the Lazy River!

June 17 - Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons started today!  It is a first for both kids & they totally loved it!  Andlie bravely took off with her class & teacher and every time I looked over at her she was smiling & splashing!  She even told me, "Mom!  I was so brave and I had so much fun!"  Haze did really well in the Mommy & Me class!  He blew bubbles & kicked his legs on command.  We have a couple of fishies!

June 16 - Happy Birthday, Haze!

Woke up & opened presents!  Grama & Grampa got him this hoop that clips on to furniture.  He spent the rest of the day focused on one thing & one thing only - this hoop.

Birthday decor!  (Notice Haze playing with the hoop.)

Traditional #2 pancake.  I had to pry him away from the ball to take a bite at a time.

More presents at Granny's!

After we got home, we blew his pants off by giving him his very own hoop!  He was jumping up & down and screaming and giggling when he saw the box!  Bryan couldn't put it together fast enough!

Birthday loot & the birthday boy!

A little bit about the birthday boy:

Favorite Toys: Basketball & Hoop, Fire Trucks, Puzzles, Airplanes.  Basketball above all other. 
Favorite Foods: Pizza, Mac & Cheese, Sugary Treats
Favorite Place: Outside.  Hands down.

We love him so much & are so thankful for his determined, loveable, sweet, happy, stubborn personality!  He is a light in our lives & our home!  Happy birthday, Haze!  We love you!

And we can't forget Father's Day!  Daddy & Hazey got to celebrate together this year!

"Fathers, yours is an eternal calling from which you are never released. . . A father's calling is eternal, and its importance transcends time.  It is a calling for both time and eternity."
- President Ezra Taft Benson

June 15 - Cedar Day 3

Spent the morning hanging out in Grama & Grampa's pool with Daisey.

Haze spent every waking second playing basketball.

Had a little party at Granny's tonight!  I counted it as Haze's Cedar birthday party.

Great grandkids!  Left to Right: Braylee, William, Cambrie, Haze, Daisey, Andlie

Haze is OBSESSED with basketball.  And he's pretty fond of airplanes too!

June 14 - Cedar Day 2

We did way too many fun things today to leave anything out!  We played in Grama & Grampa's yard, we told everyone we were expecting, we took family pictures, and we visited Grandma 'Rene!

Andlie's favorite place to be at Grama & Grampa's house - outside in the water!

After asking the family to take a "picture for the blog," we posed & then I said, "1, 2, 3, say, 'Chandi's pregnant!'"

"Is that really true?!"


"How happy!"

Andlie got ready for family pictures.


4 Generations!

June 13 - Summer Games Opening Ceremonies

We got to enjoy Summer Games Opening Ceremonies tonight!  With most of the Benson family!  In one of the box suites!  What a fun experience to be there with family & enjoy the fun & fireworks!  Andlie loved the fireworks, but was super busy organizing all of the glow sticks that Mandy had passed out.  (Like Mother, like daughter.)  Haze jumped at the first couple and then kept whispering, "Wow."  What a fun night!

Left to Right: Braylee, Daisey, Andlie, Haze

June 12 - Snake Bubbles

Fun morning enjoying the sunshine & playing with snake bubbles!  Our porch & the kids hands, clothes, faces, and all of their skin were super clean when we were done.

June 11 - "Doggie!"

Remember last year when Haze stopped and sat down in the middle of the isle at Target to watch the doggie on the TVs?  He still loves that dog!  Tonight when we went shopping, he noticed the doggie on the TV and ran & jumped & pointed & grinned!  "Mommy!  Look!  Doggie!"

June 10 - New Helmets

Andlie's helmet was starting to crack and Haze has never had one, so today we bought some new ones!  Andlie loves hers because it has owls on it "just like Mommy likes."  Haze wasn't so sure about keeping his on.  That boy has a big head!  We might have to switch his out for a bigger size.  But three cheers for bike safety!

Monday, June 10, 2013

June 9 - Summer Days

Spent lots of time in the sun eating popsicles again today.  I bet these pictures make you smile.  They sure do me!

June 8 - Busy Saturday

Another busy Saturday!  Something big happened today!  Andlie got rid of all of her baby hair & got a big girl hair cut!  She looks so cute (and big)!  We also got to visit Boyd & Paige.  (Haze could not get it through his mind that Boyd was not Bryce.)  We got spent all our money on getting new tires for our car.  We played & played in the sun!  To finish the day, we spent an hour at the splash pad!  Pictured above are the kids "drying off by lying on the rocks."  Man, I love them.

June 7 - Last Day

Today was Bryan's last day at Rocky Mountain.  I didn't get a picture of the cookies that I made for him to take to work, but I got a few of the leftovers.  His journey has a been full of learning & growing and he has done a lot for them.  Everyone was sad to see him go & thanked him many times for all that he has done to grow the company.  He's a pretty awesome dude, my husband.  Congrats, Bryan! 

June 6 - 10 Weeks

We are 10 weeks pregnant with #3 today!  It was our first doctor's appointment this morning.  Andlie, Haze, and Bryan joined me.  We got to see the little peanut and confirmed the due date of January 2, 2014!  The kids didn't really know what was going on, but me & Bryan were so excited to see the little baby moving and swishing around like a fish in there!  Though we didn't get to hear it this time, we did see a cute, teeny, strong little heart beating! 

We found out on April 21.  I took a pregnancy test, looked at it a couple minutes later, and it was negative.  So I threw it away.  On our way out the door for church, I went to the bathroom and pulled it out of the trash for some reason. was positive.  Since it took so long to show, I figured it was just a fluke, but wanted to be sure.  I went to Target & bought another test and sure enough - positive! 

We're both so thankful to be bringing another darling into our home & family.  What a blessing!

June 5 - Bike Ride

We went on a bike ride around the block this morning at Andlie's request.  Half way around, he back tire went flat.  Sad faces.  She got a few tears in her eyes and a wimper in her voice & said, "Mom, I love my back tire."  After I told her Daddy would fix it, she bravely & strongly walked her bike the rest of the way home while I did the same behind her.  Haze didn't know the difference & enjoyed his pantless time in the sun.