Friday, December 27, 2013

December 26 - 39 Weeks

Um, I made it to 39 weeks.  Andlie was 10 days early (passed that mark on the 22nd) and Haze was 13 days early (passed that mark on the 20th) and both of them were born when I had gained 29 pounds (passed that mark on the 21st).  So, here we are.  Waiting.  

Can't wait to meet you, little girl!  We love you already!

December 25 - Christmas

Woke up to Google+ call coming in from the family to talk to Elder Goodwin!  Talk to him for a bit.
Couldn't stand it any longer.  Woke kids up around 8:15.
After they ran into our room & said "hi" to the family & Bret, we got off the Google+ call to go see what Santa left!
Tore open presents & swam in wrapping paper & toys!  (Somewhere in between gifts, I got back on the Google call & put us on mute & continued to open presents.)
Breakfast - French Toast casserole!
Play outside with our new sleds & snowball makers!  Used the sleds to go down the slide that Daddy made.  Mommy even went down the slide on the sled hoping it would make her go in to labor!  We stayed outside for a long time making snowballs, throwing them (Haze's favorite), and laughing together!
Lunch time!
To the park!  Took our sleds & snowball makers with us & hung out until it started getting dark & cold.  (Mommy tried going on the park swing to see if that would help baby along.)
Play with new toys & each other.
Relax by the Christmas tree together.
Bed time.

Wonderful Christmas.  Perfect day for sledding.  Magical to be just our own sweet little family.  We are so blessed.  Merry Christmas!

December 24 - Christmas Eve

Woke up & hung out together.  Still recovering from being sick.
Played outside in the snow!
Went & got a pizza.
Frosted sugar cookies for Santa while pizza was cooking.
Naps & relaxing for Mom & Haze.  Playing in the snow for Daddy & Andlie.
Christmas Eve dinner!  Ham, cheesy potatoes, green beans, homemade rolls for Mom & Dad.  Hotdogs & chicken nuggets for Andlie & Haze.
Eat sugar cookies by only the light of the Christmas tree.  
Listen to the Christmas story read from the Bible by Daddy.  Discuss.
Open one present - Christmas jammies!
Watch "The Nativity."  (The short clip published by the Church.)
Go on a light ride.
Set out cookies for Santa, carrots for his reindeer, and a key on our front porch for Santa to use!
Bed time!
Santa came.

December 23 - Carriage Ride

Went down to Riverwoods & rode the Christmas horse & carriage tonight!  We had a great time seeing the lights & hearing the jingle bells on the horses as we rode around in the carriage!

December 22 - Sunday Dress

Andlie & Haze are modeling this year's Christmas Sunday outfits.  I am certain that we have the cutest kids in the entire world.

We were all (except Andlie) still feeling pretty sick this morning (hence, Haze's face), but we managed to get ready enough to go sit in the foyer & listen to the Christmas Program during Sacrament.  

Then we ditched & came home & slept and drank lots of fluids.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

December 21 - Sick House

Good thing we got this couch a couple weeks ago.  We're all sick (except Andlie) and have been spending lots of time sleeping, watching movies, and drinking fluids & Tylenol downstairs.  We're more than thankful that we're not doing that on the old furniture - camping chairs.

Note: Poor Andlie.  She's been so bored, but so so sweet & kind & patient with all the rest of us while we wallow around & sniffle.

Note 2: Dear Sickness, Get out of our house before our baby & Christmas arrive.  Please & thank you.

December 20 - Still Sick & Snow Slide

Poor Haze is going on 48+ hours with the sickies.  At least he got some rest today.  Meanwhile, Andlie & Daddy found something else fun to do in the snow - build a slide!  Man, that Dad.  He's pretty awesome.  Andlie played on the slide until her bum was wet and frozen.  She loves it!  Daddy says he learned to build slides like this when he was little in the church parking lot.  Wherever he learned it, it was a big success!  Now if Haze could get feeling better....

December 19 - Olof

Mommy & Hazey spent most of the day inside taking care of sickies.  Andlie & Daddy went to work outside building Olof the snowman from the movie, "Frozen."  Andlie was thrilled with the way it turned out.  Bryan is a pretty great Dad.  We're all sure thankful he's ours.

December 18 - Christmas Program

Andlie had her preschool Christmas program this morning!  She did so great!  Her favorite song was, "Old Saint Nicholas Had a Tree."  (Sung to the tune of, "Old McDonald Had a Farm.")  

"Old Saint Nicholas had a tree.  Ho ho ho ho ho!
And on that tree he had some lights.  Ho ho ho ho ho!
With a blink, blink here and a blink, blink there.
Here a blink.  There a blink.  Everywhere a blink, blink!
Old Saint Nicholas had a tree.  Ho ho ho ho ho!

Old Saint Nicholas had a tree.  Ho ho ho ho ho!
And on that tree he had some candy canes.  Ho ho ho ho ho!
With a yum, yum here and a yum, yum there.
Here a yum.  There a yum.  Everywhere a yum, yum!
Old Saint Nicholas had a tree.  Ho ho ho ho ho!

Old Saint Nicholas had a tree.  Ho ho ho ho ho!
And on that tree he had some bells.  Ho ho ho ho ho!
With a ring, ring here and a ring, ring there.
Here a ring.  There a ring.  Everywhere a yum, yum!
Old Saint Nicholas had a tree.  Ho ho ho ho ho!"

She also had a small part in their cute little play: "We make Christmas cookies!"  And once again, she said it loud & clear with a cute smile on her face!

Good job, Bug!  You did a great job!

December 17 - Sickie Switch & Leotards

Poor Haze caught what Andlie had today.  He wasn't into eating much & just wanted to snuggle.  (Best part of having sick kids.)  Of course, he needed his basketball to snuggle with us too.

Since Andlie was feeling much better today, she threw on both of her leotards & struck some real gymnast poses for the camera.  Seriously, how is she so big?

December 16 - Gingerbread

We made gingerbread houses tonight!  Each house totally represents personality.
Bryan: As always, the best looking house of them all.  Simple, yet intricate.  Love the icicles. 
Chandi: Started out trying to be like Bryan.  Ended with sprinkles & candy & un-patterned colorful stuff all over.
Andlie: Perfectly executed and turned out just like she wanted.  Flower sprinkles & candy covering every piece of the windows, doors, & roofs.
Haze: Pretty much his entire bowl of candy dumped on top of his house.

December 15 - Painting

Though Andlie was still sick today, we'd all had enough of sitting in front of the TV.  So we pulled out our paints!  Both kids had a blast!  Andlie carefully painted little dots of all colors in a pattern to resemble Christmas lights on her house.  Haze opted for painting his entire house "BOO!" and "GEEN!"

December 14 - Quiet Christmas

Poor Andlie got pretty sick yesterday with a fever & coughs & it didn't get any better today.  Her & I spent lots of time snuggling in the rocking chair.  When she fell asleep in my arms tonight in our dark, quiet, Christmasy house, I felt thankful.  What a wonderful life we have.  (Minus the stupid sickies.)

December 13 - Chocolate Face

This boy sure loves chocolate.  Like Father, like son.

Friday, December 13, 2013

December 12 - Field Trip

L to R: Ben, Carson, Jaxon, Kade, Miles, Clara, Lexi, Andlie, Bailey, Sammy, Whitney, Chloe (Missing: Brinklee)

Went with Andlie's class on another field trip today.  This time to see Santa!  She & Lexi held hands & went up to see Santa together.  She told me that she asked for princesses.  Haze marched right up to Santa & told him he wanted chocolate again.  I love being a Mommy.

December 11 - Christmas Mickey

One of Haze's favorite Christmas activities this year is to watch his favorite movie, "Twice Upon a Christmas," or as he calls it, "Christmas Mickey!"  To say he loves it is an understatement.  He asks to "Go downstairs & watch Christmas Mickey, peese" at least once a day.  And he always includes his magic smile.  Which means we usually watch it at least once a day.  Because it's a cute movie.  And he's a darling boy.  And he loves it.  He can quote lines from it & he laughs hysterically when Huey, Dewey, and Louie slide down the stair banister.  He gets sad when Minnie falls down during her ice skating routine & tells me she needs a band aid.  He makes the movie magic.

December 10 - Christmas Cards

Andlie & I mailed out our Christmas cards today!  She was a great help & we had a lot of fun together!
To see past years' Christmas cards, go here.

December 9 - Christmas Magic

There is almost nothing better in the whole world than seeing Christmas through your children's eyes.

December 8 - Christmas Activities

We have spent each morning in December taking care of Christmas countdowns & finding our Elf on the Shelf, Icabod.  That Icabod has done some silly things at our house!  Andlie's favorite so far was him pulling out all of her bows & even putting some on himself.
The kids especially love the advent calendars with chocolate in them!  We also have our "Beary Merry Christmas" countdown from my childhood, a chain that Andlie made herself, and a Christmas tree magnet with one ornament per day.

Andlie made this rainbow during Sacrament meeting today.  It counts as a Christmas activity because she's wearing one of her Christmas dresses.

And, she made golden tickets "just like Polar Express" this afternoon!  Hole punches and everything!

December 7 - Snowy Day Inside

It was a cold, snowy day today.  Except for Mommy & Andlie getting haircuts this morning, we spent the day inside.
I am 36 weeks now!  Me & Bryan both believe that this baby is still the most wiggly of all three kids so far - which I love!  She has hiccups often which I also love.
My back & hips are starting to be really achy by the end of the day.
I can't breathe very good if I lie flat on my back.
I am soooo tired.
We don't have anything ready!  No clothes washed, no bed set up, car seat is not installed.  Hoping to get those things done soon. 
I am still amazed at pregnancy and the miracle that it is.  I feel so blessed to be carrying our sweet baby girl & we love her to the moon & back already.
Andlie spent part of the snow day watching Polar Express & painting her toes like it isn't a big deal.  She paints her toes by herself now.  Each a different color.  Each topped with sparkles.  Isn't she still 1?!
And Haze.  That boy loves technology.  He especially loves the iPad.  Specifically the Pirates of the Caribbean game inside the Disneyland app.  Notice that his toes & fingers are curled.  And every time he hit a pirate ship & it exploded, he'd look up & shout, "I got it!  On FIRE!!"
And, I don't have any pics, but Bryan was here today too.  He also got a hair cut & spent the day relaxing & recuperating from his work trip to Vegas.  We are so happy to have him back home!

Friday, December 6, 2013

December 6 - Seeing Santa

Someone saw Santa today.  And got a chocolate sucker in return.
We went to see him & Andlie got shy & started crying.  Haze marched right up to that jolly old elf, sad himself right on his knee, and started visiting.  When asked what he wanted, he said, "Um, chocolate!"  And when Andlie finally got brave & was asked the same question, she said, "Surprises & candy." 

December 5 - Swimsuit & Garbage Truck

Andlie came out of her room after lots of giggles with her swimsuit & goggles on.  It was 2 degrees outside.  Literally.
And, Hazey loves to watch the garbage truck come & dump the trash cans.  It's probably one of his highlights of the week.  He waves at the trash guy every time, too.  And the trash guy waves right back with a big ol' smile on his face.  And I don't blame him.  It's nearly impossible to not smile back at that darling, excited, happy little boy smile and a cute little waving hand to go with it.

December 4 - Clean Windows

They totally "cleaned the windows" with a spray bottle full of water and about 100 paper towels for a solid hour.  Took turns, spoke nicely, praised each other, and cleaned the windows.  Seriously.  Oh, and Andlie finally got her real glasses today!  Oh, and she can magically draw block letters by herself now. 

December 3 - Snow!

It snowed!  A lot!  The kids could hardly wait to put their snow gear on & get outside!  They played until I'm pretty sure their hands were numb.  Several times.  Outside, get freezing cold, inside for a couple hours, repeat.  I told Andlie I wanted to take a snow picture, so she posed for me.  I mean.....  And Haze helped Daddy shovel the snow.  I mean.....  These kids are our world.

December 2 - Piano Man

He opened the piano, flipped the music book open, and moved his tiny hands up and down the keyboard.  After a while, he started bouncing his little booty to the beat.  And then he turned to me & requested that I "sing Itsy Bitsy Spider!"  So I did.  And the notes fit perfectly.  And he was the proudest boy.  Then he hucked the extra book on the bench on the floor & asked me to "get it out" so he could sit on it.  I sat back down on the couch to enjoy the moment.  After a while I asked if I could come and play with him.  To which he patted the bench to his right & said, "Ya, all aboard."  So we sat next to each other plinking the keys and singing Nursery Rhymes as loudly as our voices would let us.  And I loved every second.

December 1 - Jewelry

Andlie put her own jewelry on today.  She has one necklace, one ring (CTR), and all of her bracelets.  All of them.  She's the cutest.

November 30 - Daddy Gets a Nose

"I'm gonna get your nose!"

November 29 - Temple Square

Temple Square!  We enjoyed dinner with Grama, Grampa, & Bryce at Olive Garden and then headed to Temple Square!  Beautiful.  As always.

November 28 - Thanksgiving

Grama, Grampa & Bryce were at our house for Thanksgiving!
Grama cooked the entire dinner by herself.  The entire thing.
Andlie set the table all by herself.
Haze ate chicken nuggets with ketchup for Thanksgiving dinner.  With a butter knife.
Andlie ate Jell-O & rolls.  She also wore her Indian hat that she made at preschool for the feast.
We each said five things we were thankful for at the table before our meal.  Andlie's things were: the temple, prayers, Mom & Dad, family, Grama & Grampa.
We put up our Christmas tree after we all took naps!
We finished the evening by looking at lights at Riverwoods & on a ride in our van.  The kids sad in back with Grama & Grampa.
What a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We are especially thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and all that it entails and our perfect, wonderful families.  We are truly blessed.