Friday, December 13, 2013

December 7 - Snowy Day Inside

It was a cold, snowy day today.  Except for Mommy & Andlie getting haircuts this morning, we spent the day inside.
I am 36 weeks now!  Me & Bryan both believe that this baby is still the most wiggly of all three kids so far - which I love!  She has hiccups often which I also love.
My back & hips are starting to be really achy by the end of the day.
I can't breathe very good if I lie flat on my back.
I am soooo tired.
We don't have anything ready!  No clothes washed, no bed set up, car seat is not installed.  Hoping to get those things done soon. 
I am still amazed at pregnancy and the miracle that it is.  I feel so blessed to be carrying our sweet baby girl & we love her to the moon & back already.
Andlie spent part of the snow day watching Polar Express & painting her toes like it isn't a big deal.  She paints her toes by herself now.  Each a different color.  Each topped with sparkles.  Isn't she still 1?!
And Haze.  That boy loves technology.  He especially loves the iPad.  Specifically the Pirates of the Caribbean game inside the Disneyland app.  Notice that his toes & fingers are curled.  And every time he hit a pirate ship & it exploded, he'd look up & shout, "I got it!  On FIRE!!"
And, I don't have any pics, but Bryan was here today too.  He also got a hair cut & spent the day relaxing & recuperating from his work trip to Vegas.  We are so happy to have him back home!

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