Friday, August 30, 2013

August 30 - Golfing

These two have really become buddies over the past few months.  They enjoy playing together & can carry on full on conversations.  They watch out for each other.  They run around giggling together.  They imagine together.  They build forts together.  They play basketball together.  The love each other!

August 29 - Eating Corner

Today while Andlie was at preschool, I made Haze a basketball sandwich & gave him a glass of milk, which he promptly took to his favorite eating corner & happily ate. 

August 28 - Sad Face

I asked him to make a sad face.  Giggles.

August 27 - First Day of Preschool

Teacher: Mrs. Kelley
Age: 4 and a half (Don't you dare forget the "and a half.")
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Primary Song: Child's Prayer
Favorite Movie: Brave
What She Wants to Be When She Grows Up: A thing that walks around at the pool (AKA a Life Guard)

August 25 - Super Heros

Andlie threw on her Super Girl costume this afternoon complete with the mask & the backpack carrying her super hero weapon (a tiny baseball bat).  And since she looked so awesome, Haze wanted his "super hero" outfit on.  (There's a super hero named Baby Bop, right?)  And his weapon of choice was a water gun.  Then we went outside on a "super hero walk to get the bad guys" at Andlie's request and spent several minutes shooting & hitting the invisible bad guys.  Oh, and it didn't end there.  Andlie definitely wore it on our walk around the temple tonight too.  Cute girl.

August 24 - Donuts

We haven't done it for a long time, but today we started the tradition of Saturday Donuts back up!  We got half dozen fluffy, delicious, chocolate & sprinkle covered donuts (with a maple bar for me) and brought them home to enjoy!  I just can't tell by Haze's face & jammies if he liked his or not.....

Friday, August 23, 2013

August 23 - Rainy Day

It was a rainy, cloudy day today.  We took extra long to get out of our jammies this morning and then spent the rest of the day watching movies & staying inside.  Just like you should do on a rainy day.

August 22 - Line 'Em Up

Today me & Andlie had a party while Haze was sleeping at her request.  She pulled the beanbags downstairs, asked me to set up some music, I got out the birthday hats, she set up her tea set, and she lined up all of her animals.  I totally had deja vu of myself 20 years ago.  What a fun afternoon!
Then when Daddy came home and Haze woke up, they got invited to the party too!  And we had another one right before bed!  The parties consisted of ABC music playing in the background, organized pretend trumpet playing, passing out of pretend cupcakes & milk, wearing party hats, and dancing.  What a fun party day!

August 21 - Summer

"Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the most beautiful words in the English language."
- Henry James

August 20 - Movie

We went to the movie tonight!  I caught a family shadow pic before we went in.  Pretty soon we'll have another little one in the pic!
We went to "Planes."  It was darling!  Both kids really enjoyed it too.  As soon as the planes started talking, Haze shouted, "Ah!  He's talking!!"  He got a little distracted towards the end, but we managed to hold him with some rootbeer & popcorn.
Andlie loved the whole movie & didn't take her eyes off the screen until it was over.
I love our little family.

August 19 - Switch-a-Roo

We put giggling Andlie in Haze's jammies before he could even notice.  Once he did, he looked at her & yelled, "Annie, my jammies!  Get my jammies off!"  But then he also joined in on the giggling when we put her jammies on him!  Ah, the simple things.

August 18 - Sunday Morn

Sunday mornings.  Ahhhhhh.  I just love them.  I love waking up and not rushing to do anything except enjoy breakfast together & watch "Music & the Spoken Word."  It's such a relaxing and wonderful way to start our Sabbath Day.

August 17 - Fair

We went to the county fair tonight!  We rode a couple rides and saw some really awesome exhibits, but the kids' favorite part was the livestock show, the small animal zoo, and the bleachers.  Andlie climbed all the way to the top!

August 16 - 20 Weeks & Ultrasound

I passed the 20 week mark yesterday!  Me & Bryan went to the ultrasound this afternoon & found out that we're having a girl!  We feel so blessed to have a healthy baby joining our family soon & are thrilled to be having another girl!
We've had lots of fun things happen since 15 weeks!
17 Weeks: I had been feeling baby move around, but around 17 weeks, I knew that's what it was for sure.  I could only feel her move when I was quietly lying on my back and mostly during the night.
August 5 (18 Weeks, 4 Days): Bryan felt her move!
August 11 (19 Weeks, 3 Days): Andlie felt her move!
I am still so tired and I can't sleep very good.  I sneeze a lot and nothing sounds good to eat except Taco Bell. But I feel so thankful and blessed to get to be a Mommy again to a healthy baby girl and I love feeling her move around which she does quite often & noticeably now!  What a miracle!

August 15 - Doggies

The kids found a new game to play today - Doggies!  Here's how to play:
Andlie gets two straws.
Andlie names herself "Anna the Dog" and Haze "Arie the Dog" and instructs me to call them that during the course of the game.
Andlie hands me the straws.
Andlie & Haze take their places - - which are in the corners of the room in "dog stance" while barking and panting.
Andlie instructs me to throw the straws so I do.
Anna & Arie go "fetch the bones" using only their mouths.  No hands.   That's against the rules.
Anna & Arie bring the bones back to me where I pat them on the head, call them by name, and take the bones from them.
Repeat.  Repeat.  Repeat.
What fun kids we have!!

August 14 - Lagoon Day

We went to Lagoon today!  Courtesy of Bryan's work - so he even got to come instead of work!  What a fun way to spend a Wednesday! 
We spent most of our time in the park in the section with the kid rides and at the water park.  Haze's favorite ride was the boats.  We went on those at least four times.  And Andlie's fave was the airplanes.  And the helicopters.  And the boats.  She loved them all and was such a good big sister & took good care of Haze while they rode.
And, of course, we had to get a Western picture at Pioneer Village.  Fun, fun day!

August 13 - Farm Animals

We went & visited some farm animals today!  Andlie & Hazey both got to ride a real horse!  Andlie picked the biggest one because, you know, she's really big!  Four and a half!
Haze got on the horse & immediately patted his own head & said, "I'm a cowboy!"

August 12 - Andlie's Summer Spot

This tree is by far Andlie's favorite place to be this Summer!  She has taught herself how to climb higher and higher all Summer and it is her play thing of choice.  "Andlie, what do you want to do?"  "Climb the tree!"  She's pretty brave and has learned how to climb pretty high & get back down all by herself - little monkey!

August 11 - Seven Years

We celebrated seven years of wedded bliss today!  (How do we have a daughter old enough to take our picture for us?)  Thought it'd be fun to do an anniversary flash back.
2006: Married in the St. George temple.

2007: I surprised B with a trip to CA where we went to an Angel's baseball game, the beach, and Disneyland!

2008: B surprised me & took us on a trip to Park City!  I was about half way pregnant with Andlie.

2009: I surprised B & took us to Lake Powell! 

2010: B surprised me & took us to The Lion King on broadway at Las Vegas!

2011: Five years!  We celebrated by going to dinner & hanging out at home.  Hazey was only six weeks old.

2012: Celebrated by going on a nice dinner date & spending time just talking & walking through the mall.

2013: Seven years!  Here's to 60 more!

August 10 - Seven Peaks

Went to Seven Peaks today!  We spent a good 2 - 3 hours there!  We spent the majority of our time in the kiddie pool where Andlie showed us that she can go all the way under water & swim!  (She really does get her arms & legs moving enough that it pushes her through the water.)  And since Hazey has to do everything that she does, he also showed us how he could "swim" AKA flop around the water & come up gasping for air, but smiling big!

August 9 - Ball Ball Ball

We went to Bed, Bath & Beyond tonight.  Haze walked up to me with a bath brush and a bath ball, looked me square in the eyes, handed me the fizzy ball, and said, "Play baseball, Mom!"
That boy.  He loves baseball.  And basketball.  And soccer.  And football.  And everything that ends in "ball."

Friday, August 9, 2013

August 8 - Quiet Time With Minnie

For quiet time today, Andlie chose to color on her Minnie note pad and play with stamps in her tent.  She was so excited for quiet time to start!

August 7 - Girl Dinosaur

We played and played downstairs with our toys today!  Andlie dressed up in an old costume, threw on some long hair, walked up to me and told me, "Mom, I'm a girl dinosaur."  And then she turned around a shook her booty/dino tail in my face and giggled.  I love her.

August 6 - Stacking

Both kids woke up feeling much better today!  Yay!  We had to do some grocery shopping this morning.  I told Haze to "come on" to which he replied, "Just a second, Mom.  I'm building a tower."  Awesome cream cheese tower, buddy.  Must be a boy thing.

August 5 - Sickies

Poor Andlie caught what Haze had.  She woke up throwing up in the night & ran a pretty good fever all day today.  Poor thing spent the day on the couch sleeping & drinking medicine & Gatorade.  I hate it when the kids are sick.  They're so helpless.  Feel better soon, baby girl.

August 4 - Leaving Idaho & Seeing Daddy

The kids played outside with Grama and then we headed home.  Thanks, Mand, Tim, and Daise for a great trip to Idaho!  We had so much fun!
When we got home, Daddy was here!!!  This immediately helped Haze feel better.  He even smiled again!  Remember the rocket ship that Andlie & Daddy made out of our moving boxes over a year ago?  It's still alive & Haze had his turn playing in it!
We are so happy to be back in our own beds and own house with our Daddy!

August 3 - Idaho Day 2

Today, we woke up and headed to the waterfall and the lake.  (Haze still wasn't happy, but he did okay with Tylenol in him.)
Haze & Andlie both had their minds blown over the giant waterfall!  And, I'll get honest here.  So did I!  It was giant!  And beautiful!  Luckily, I hastily made us leave so the kids wouldn't slip through the cracks in the fence & be gulped up by the waterfall.  (Mandy, Tim, & Mom: I am not crazy.)
Then we went to the lake where we fed duckies, played in the lake, threw rocks, had a picnic, and played at the playground!  Then, Haze needed a nap so we had to leave. 
Then we went to Daisey's preschool & played on slides & stuff.  Perfect weather.  Finally, we went to the beautiful temple grounds!  Grama took the most darling picture with the grandkids.  Oh my.  Love.
It was another great day in Idaho!

August 2 - Idaho Day 1

We went to Idaho to see Mandy, Daisey, and Tim today!  Mandy & Tim had a pizza picnic ready when we got there and then we headed to the museum!
I'm so glad that Andlie's arm didn't get bit off by the big dinosaur!  And Haze, well, just by the looks of it, he's gonna be a pretty smart scientist some day.  (But he'll probably have to learn to use a magnifying glass first.)
After the museum, we went and bought Andlie and Hazey some new Fall clothes and then had a hotdog picnic at Mandy's house.  Haze got a tiny bit sick and was pretty sad for most of the night, but we did manage to take a quick trip to a fun park and see some little waterfalls on the mountain.  What a fun day!

August 1 - Grama Visits

Grama got here tonight!  We spent the night at the park playing in the "big park sandbox" (AKA the volleyball court) while Grama watched proudly.  We're sure lucky to have her!
Andlie spent her time digging a big hole & burying her feet.  Haze mostly walked around with a stick & drew the occasional snake.  "Look, Mom!  Is a snake!!"

July 31 - Visitors

Granny, Shennie, Mindy came to visit us!  They got here last night, but we had the most fun today!  We went shopping at the mall, played at home, played outside, took naps, ate dinner, shopped at Target, and finished the day with - of course - The Donut Store (AKA Krispy Kreme)!
Thanks for a fun day, guys!  We love you!