Friday, August 23, 2013

August 16 - 20 Weeks & Ultrasound

I passed the 20 week mark yesterday!  Me & Bryan went to the ultrasound this afternoon & found out that we're having a girl!  We feel so blessed to have a healthy baby joining our family soon & are thrilled to be having another girl!
We've had lots of fun things happen since 15 weeks!
17 Weeks: I had been feeling baby move around, but around 17 weeks, I knew that's what it was for sure.  I could only feel her move when I was quietly lying on my back and mostly during the night.
August 5 (18 Weeks, 4 Days): Bryan felt her move!
August 11 (19 Weeks, 3 Days): Andlie felt her move!
I am still so tired and I can't sleep very good.  I sneeze a lot and nothing sounds good to eat except Taco Bell. But I feel so thankful and blessed to get to be a Mommy again to a healthy baby girl and I love feeling her move around which she does quite often & noticeably now!  What a miracle!

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