Friday, September 27, 2013

September 26 - First Long Sleeves

It was in the 40s when we woke up this morning.  The high was 55.  It was time to bust out our first long-sleeved outfits of the season.  Don't they look darling?

September 25 - So Long, Red Dragon

We bought a van yesterday (yep, that happened) so we sold the Cavalier today.  Sad day.  The good ol' Red Dragon has been a great car for us!  I got her in January 2005 - shortly before Bryan got home from his mission.  Here's a quick recap of her life with me & then our family.
She was the first car I ever bought by myself.
She drove me to & from Cedar, Panaca, and Vegas to visit Bryan when we were dating.
She was our main car in Vegas.  She drove me to work every day.
She took us on a trip to Disneyland for our first anniversary.
She brought our sweet Andlie home from the hospital.
She took us on another trip to Disneyland when Andlie was five months old.
She turned in to Bryan's car when we bought our Mazda.  She drove him to & from college & his jobs every day.
She is the car that Andlie & Haze first rode in without car seats.  (Only for a quick ride.)
She was Bryan's commuter car up until today.
Red Dragon has served our family well.  We were sad to see her go, but excited for our next chapter to begin!  And happy to see that she went to a good home with Bryce.  So long, Red!

September 24 - Book Nook

We recently set up a little place for the books to go upstairs.  It's kind of hidden in between the couch & the big chair.  Haze & Andlie both love reading.  They always have.  Lately, if I notice that it's gotten quiet around our house, I can usually count on one or both of them to be quietly reading books in the "book nook."  It makes my heart smile.

September 23 - Fruits of Our Labors

We planted a small garden this year.  It was our first time.  We planted: 2 squash plants, 2 pumpkin plants, 5 tomato plants, 1 jalepeno plant, and 3 pots of flowers.  We reaped: 1/2 a squash, a giant pumpkin vine with giant leaves, about 4 ripe tomatoes, and 3 ripe jalepenos.  Oh, and the flowers did well all Summer.  We learned a lot and we're totally calling this year a success despite our lack of reaping. 
Andlie & Hazey helped us pick the poor, green tomatoes that haven't done a thing in a month.  They were pretty proud of their crop!

September 22 - Church Clothes

Our kids are the cutest ones on the planet.  By far.

September 21 - "Hazey's Bike!"

Haze has gotten pretty good at riding his bike lately!  He really loves it, too.  He'll say, "I ride a bike!  Hazey's bike!"  He can turn & pedal all by himself!  And when he gets stuck in a rut, he'll say, "Ah!  I stuck!  Help me!"  And then goes right back to riding.  Good job, Buddy!

Friday, September 20, 2013

September 20 - New Hair

Andlie got a new hair cut!  She wanted it cut just like her preschool teacher and she loves it!  She thinks she "looks like she's 28."  I think she is beautiful.  And I am so thankful she's mine.

September 19 - Pirate Day

It was Pirate Day at Krispy Kreme today!  If you dressed like a pirate, you got a dozen donuts for free!  Easy peasy.  The kids had a great time!  Andlie loved the eye patch.  Haze could not stop yelling, "ARRRRRRR!"  And both of the kids were utterly amazed at my black tooth.  Sure, the million free donuts are awesome, but even more awesome is the fact that dressed like pirates for the donuts.  And we totally rocked it.

September 18 - Hugs for Grama

Grama has had a rough couple of weeks!  And since we can't be there to give her a hug, we sent some in the mail!  We traced the kids on butcher paper and then let them decorate themselves!  Andlie drew nail polish on her fingers & pom poms in her palms.  And a flower bow in her hair.  And a necklace.  Beautiful.
Haze was not too keen on taking a picture with himself.  Not sure if you noticed or not.

September 17 - Reading

Caught Andlie reading a book to Haze.  It's a favorite in our house.  Both kids get a big kick out of it.  Who wouldn't when the silly turkey puts his pants on his head instead of his feet?  It's called, "Blue Hat, Green Hat," by Sandra Boynton.  I'm so happy that our kids love books and that they are such sweet friends.

September 16 - Twenty Nine

I slept so bad last night.  I bet I got a good three hours of sleep.  Boo.  I was kinda expecting a pretty dumb day for my birthday today, but then Bryan turned my frown right upside down!
I woke up & came in to the couch to watch cartoons & found a sticky note waiting for me!  Then, after I "woke up" some more, I got a text saying he was gonna send me on a scavenger hunt and gave me my first clue!  I got three more clues through the day - each of which led to a birthday gift.
I also got several text & FaceBook messages and a couple surprises in the mail from the people I love most!
And, my favorite surprise of the day - Bryan came home from work early!  We ended the night with dinner at Pizza Factory, chocolate pie (he knows I don't love cake) complete with candles, and some cute cards from he & the kids. 
He is absolutely wonderful.  And he's the reason why I had such a wonderful birthday!

September 15 - Baseball Payer

Puts hard hat on & exclaims, "Mom, I a baseball payer!!"

September 14 - Chalk the Block

We love this event!  This year did not disappoint!  We saw Hulk Smash, the monsters from "Where the Wild Things Are," minions, Ariel, Merida, Rapunzel, and so many more beautiful works of art!  This one really caught me & Bryan's eyes.  Can you believe that someone can do this with chalk?!  On a parking lot?!  I mean.

September 13 - 24 Weeks

We're 24 weeks along!  Had a great doctor's appointment today.  Everything is measuring as it should & baby girl's heart rate is in the 150s - perfect!
Baby girl has hiccups a lot!  I love feeling her have hiccups & wiggle around.  It's one of my favorite things about being pregnant.
I am not sleeping well.  It's hard to fall asleep & once I do, I wake up several times throughout the night.
I crave sweet things: donuts, Twinkies, candy bars, chocolate milk, etc.
We think we have a pretty firm name picked out, but we wanna wait 'til we see her to be sure.
Andlie wants to name her Donut Jane.
I sneeze a lot.  Like a really lot.
So excited to start getting stuff ready for our sweet Donut!

Friday, September 13, 2013

September 12 - Skeleton

Me & Andlie  made a life-size skeleton this afternoon!  She was in hysterics about how the skeleton was the same size as her!  She was laughing so hard that her nose was doing that cute thing where it scrunches up.  (It's been one of my favorite things about her since she was tiny.)
I told her to lay by it for a picture and then she thought she was the funniest clown on the planet when she laid down & posed exactly as it was posing for the picture.  And, I have to admit, I did laugh pretty hard.

September 11 - Ungers

This morning on "The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That," Nick & Sally used suction cups to climb up a tree like a gecko.  So, naturally, that's what Andlie's goal was for the day.  She kept telling Haze that "we are gonna make suckers tonight."  To which he would reply, "Yummy, suckers!"  To which she would reply, "No, the kind of suckers that you climb up the wall with."
So, tonight we went to the Dollar Store & bought some suckers.  Or, as Haze now calls them, "ungers!!"  We gave it the ol' college try, but those dang ungers just wouldn't help us climb the walls.  Andlie is currently working on a solution.  So far, she's advised me that we need some really sticky tape.  I think she might be on to something.

September 10 - Lotion Bugs

Haze's new favorite part of his day is the part at the beginning of the day where he gets a "lotion bug" in each hand.  "Yaaaaay!  Lotion bugs!!!!"

September 9 - Backpacks

Andlie packed all of her favorite toys in her backpack and the instructed Haze to do the same.  And then packed his for him.  If you're four or two, this is a pretty neat thing to do.  I mean, who doesn't want all of their favorite toys in one place.  The backpacks came everywhere with us today.  Packed to the brim with noisy and bulky toys.  And it made me smile and wish they would stay this little forever. 

September 8 - Temple Trees

Bryan got pretty sick last night & was quite miserable for most of the day today.  Poor dude.  By evening, we were all a bit stir crazy so we headed to the temple - always lovely.  Fresh air, beautiful flowers, peaceful grounds, and ..... tree branches to hang & swing on.  Perfect.

September 7 - Family & Rain

Today we spent most of the day hanging out with Grama, Grampa, Mindy & Bryce!  What a great way to spend a Saturday!  (Going to JoAnn's to pick out fabric for baby girl's quilt wasn't so bad either - yay!) 
Grama & Grampa said good-bye in the late afternoon just in time for a gigantic thunder/rain/hail/wind storm to arrive.  We took this picture long after everything had calmed down quite a bit.  It was crazy, I tell ya!  Glad we didn't flood & that Grama & Grampa made it home safe.  And, of course, glad that we could use our "gumbrellas."

September 6 - The Melting Pot

Me & Bryan got to go on an awesome date tonight!  Mindy tended the kids (thank you a million times) while we went to The Melting Pot for the first time!  We were gone for 4.5 hours and had a great time together!
First course was one of the loves of my life - cheese!  Cheese & apples, cheese & bread, cheese & chips.  I mean.  No words.  Delicious.  My favorite course by far. 
Then came salad & meat.  Good, sure.  But not as good as the cheese.
Then one of Bryan's loves of his life - chocolate!  And all things sugar to dip. 
It was the perfect night together.  We laughed & visited & just were - - together.  It's been a long time.  It barely felt like 30 minutes and all the sudden we'd been gone for 4 hours.  I just love him so much.  And I know he feels the same.  And that's pretty great.

Friday, September 6, 2013

September 5 - All Ready

All ready for the day!  I pulled my phone out to text Bryan back & Haze posed.  So I had to take a picture.  I mean.  How cute.

September 4 - Rocket Ship

Andlie drew a picture of everything we needed to make a rocket ship this morning. 
Picture Description by Andlie (L to R): Bag, cash register, paper, scissors (shaped like a heart), 3 pieces of tape, a cutting line, 3 more pieces of tape, money & stickers (the dots), the rocket, more money & stickers, Andlie & Merida playing catch, Haze playing catch.
Don't worry, we made the rocket ship!  What a fun imagination!

September 3 - Monster

With Andlie in preschool now, me & Haze have spent some time shopping together lately!  Today we stopped at Costco where I helped him try on this monster jacket & then told him to make a monster face.  What a funny boy!

September 2 - Labor Day

After we enjoyed the Labor Day parade (and got way too much candy), we had lunch with Grama & Grampa and then headed home.  What a fun trip we had in Panaca! 
Noteworthy: Haze sung the ABC song from start to finish all by himself for the first time in the car on this trip!

September 1 - Panaca Fun

Today we woke up & went to church with Grampa and then we headed out to the Spring!  Haze did the usual - gathered rocks in his bucket & tossed them in to the water!  Each time exclaiming, "Did you see that?!"  He also saw an "izard" and even touched it!  "I don like it, izard."  He also saw "two adybugs fyin to their homes!"
Andlie totally had a ball catching little fishies with her net!  Daddy was right by her, but she caught all nine of them all by herself!  That girl wasn't afraid of the water or catching the fish or putting them in the bucket!  We kept them fed today with sour cream & onion Pringles. 
Before we headed out for the night, I got some birthday presents and sung to and then we all ate red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting & blueberry frozen yogurt - yummy!!
Tonight we went to the re-scheduled light parade with Grama, Grampa, Paul, Jenny, and Beau.  Then we saw some awesome fireworks!  Though it was raining the entire time and we all came home wet & muddy, it was another fabulous day together!

August 31 - Rained In

We arrived at Panaca today!  We spent most of the day inside because there was a gigantic lightning/thunder storm outside!  Haze & Andlie ran around in the rain with Grampa Puppy a couple of times and we enjoyed listening to the "under" (as Haze puts it) and watching the rain & lightning!
Tonight, we tried to go to the Light Parade in Pioche, but it was cancelled due to the rain.  It was a fun day visiting & hanging out at Grama & Grampa Puppy's house!