Friday, September 20, 2013

September 13 - 24 Weeks

We're 24 weeks along!  Had a great doctor's appointment today.  Everything is measuring as it should & baby girl's heart rate is in the 150s - perfect!
Baby girl has hiccups a lot!  I love feeling her have hiccups & wiggle around.  It's one of my favorite things about being pregnant.
I am not sleeping well.  It's hard to fall asleep & once I do, I wake up several times throughout the night.
I crave sweet things: donuts, Twinkies, candy bars, chocolate milk, etc.
We think we have a pretty firm name picked out, but we wanna wait 'til we see her to be sure.
Andlie wants to name her Donut Jane.
I sneeze a lot.  Like a really lot.
So excited to start getting stuff ready for our sweet Donut!

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