Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 14 - Valentine

Oh my gosh.  I thought I had good things in store for Bryan, but he totally won the "Best Present Giver" award.  I got out of the shower to find a dozen yellow with red tips roses, a beautiful card, and (drumroll, please) a diamond band to match my wedding ring!  [Five hundred exclamation points!!!]  I love it so much!  It's so sparkly and pretty and perfect. And so is he.

The kids woke up to a few small presents on the piano.  Andlie got a pink hat, new watter bottle, jump rope, and a card.  Hazey got a red hat, new water bottle, squishy baseball, and a card.  I gave Bryan small presents through the day (card on the shower, cookies to work, family pic & candy work kit at work, writing on his car after work, Q&A printed interview with Andlie about Daddy & heart pizza when he got home), but his big present was some Jazz tickets! 

I love my Valentine so much and am so thankful for everything he does for me & for our family every single day.  And I know he feels the same way about me.  And that makes me super lucky & blessed.

Just for fun, here's a flashback of our other Valentine's Days spent together.

2006: We were dating.  He gave me some roses & Diet Coke and of course, a beautiful card.  I made him go on a scavenger hunt @ UNLV to find a candybar poster on campus.

2007: First year of marriage.  He totally surprised me & brought roses to my work in person!  He also had hearts cut out all over the house when I got home.  I made him go on a scavenger hunt through our house to find small presents & goodies.  We went on a date to a new Mexican place in town.

2008: He left me presents in my car while I was at work.  When I came home, the house was decorated with Valentines decor.  I made him a jar of 100 reasons why I loved him.  I also made him a crab dinner.  I ate hot pockets.

2009: First year with Andlie.  I had balloons blown up with helium & tied to cans of Diet Coke through the house.  Each balloon had a small present inside.  He planned a really sweet dinner @ the Alumni House - just us.  He had the table set & decorated & roses there for me when we arrived.  Andlie came with us & sad in her carseat quietly.

2010: He gave me a new purse with "purse items" in it.  Each item had a cute note on it.  I gave him a homemade book with quotes about him from my journal.  Andlie got her beloved stuffed sock Monkey from Bryan this year.

2011: He gave me a family picture and a beautiful long letter (not a card) & flowers.  I gave him a family picture & candybar poster.  We went to dinner at Pizza Factory.

2012: In the middle of deciding if we should take a new job.  He gave me roses & candy.  I gave him candy & new underwear.  Both kids got some Valentines.  We went on a date.

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