Wednesday, February 6, 2013

January 24 - Mickey Saves the Day

I took Haze to the doctor this morning.  He has an ear infection & viral infection causing all of his cold symptoms.  He was sad today.  He didn't like: me to set him down or pick him up, food, juice, naps, no naps, TV, no TV.   I didn't shower today.  I had our neighbor & bishopric member come over and give Hazey a blessing tonight.  He didn't love that so much either.  (But I was thankful.)  He finally calmed down & stopped crying when I put Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the iPad, let him watch to his heart's content, and gave him a chocolate cookie.  Whatevs.  Glad he was happy.  I feel so sad when he's sick and doesn't know how to feel better.

Andlie was a total sweetheart all day and kept telling Haze she was "sorry he was sick."  She was so sweet at the doctor's office.  She got me anything I would ask for.  She did everything I asked her to do.  She truly is one of the sweetest girls I've ever met.  I love her so much.

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