Wednesday, February 6, 2013

January 23 - Sleeping Babies

When I wrote about my day last month, I forgot to include one of my most favorite times of the day.  Today was a hard day.  Hazey woke up kind of sick.  The %$#@ fire alarm wouldn't stop chirping so I pretty much tore it out of the ceiling and left it dangling.  Bryan is still gone and will be for another full day.  I decided I wanted Red Robin for dinner so I took two babes with me to a sit down restaurant.  (Which was actually pretty fun and easy and pleasant.) 

Back to my favorite part of the day.  After the kids have been in bed for about two hours and I'm ready for bed, I sneak in their room and re-tuck them in and kiss their little faces and whisper that I love them.  I love their peaceful little faces.  Sometimes I hold their little hands and whisper to them in the dark.  Of course I love them every minute of every day, but every night I get a couple of queit, uninterrupted minutes where I feel overwhelming and unconditional love for my tiny tots and gratitude to my Father in Heaven for letting them be mine.  

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