Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 17 - Spring Blossoms

We went to the library and got ourselves a library card today!  But, before we went in, I made us stop at this beautiful tree and snap some quick pics.  I just love these trees and they're everywhere right now!  I love Spring!  I can't wait until it's really here!

April 16 - Laugh out Loud

At about 4:30 this afternoon, I heard Haze upstairs.  So I sent Andlie up there to check on him, which obviously means to throw the door open, turn the light on, start laughing and plotting, climb in his crib with him, and start jumping up and down as fast & high as you can while giggling and laughing as loud as your lungs will let you!  I went upstairs to find the cute little duo having a party in Haze's crib.  (His real crib.  Not his crib like Snoop Dog.)

April 15 - Snow Day

It is April 15.  We woke up to snow.  Snow is not Spring weather.  Get it together, Mother Nature.  At least we had a fun morning playing in it!  (But seriously, a snowman on April 16?!)

April 14 - 1 Year

It's Haze's 1 year anniversary from the day he got admitted to the hospital.  Those were five stupid days.  I went a re-read my journal from when he was there.  I am so thankful for the way things turned out.  I couldn't imagine life without our Tank.  Chalk hands & all.  (He loves him some "colors ou-side.")

April 13 - Breakfast Date

Mindy slept over last night so we took advantage & went on a breakfast date this morning!  The kids & Mindy went to the park while we enjoyed us some Sonic, laughter, and visiting.  Great way to start the day!  Sometimes I miss the good ol' days when we would spend our entire Saturday sleeping, eating, and repeating.  Really.  That's all we did all day.  Today reminded me of those times.  I'm so lucky to be able to eat & sleep every day with my best friend.  Back to the food - French Toast Sticks are so good.  Does that make me sound like I'm six? 

April 12 - Toes & Popsicles

Um, Andlie painted her toes totally by herself today for the first time!  She chose pink polish with a layer of sparkles.  When did she get so old?!

And then we promptly enjoyed our Summer chairs & popsicles on the back porch while we pretended like it was Spring (until we read the forecast). 

I let the kids hang out outside while I cleaned up inside.  It was so cute to watch them take care of each other & visit.  Haze's cup would tip over & Andlie would say, "It's okay, buddy.  I'll help you."  And, "Haze, is it good, buddy?"  "Ya.  Dee-wish-us!"

April 11 - Trash

Andlie and Haze had tons of fun this morning pulling the trash can back in to our driveway after the trash man did his duties.  Don't mind that Haze had been crying because the dumping motion of the garbage truck freaked him out.  Do you notice the huge smile on both faces?  Remember when you were little and you loved doing chores?  Too bad it doesn't last.  And do you not need your special "Cars" headset on when you bring the trash in?  Oh, weird.  Andlie totally needs hers.

April 10 - Dentist

Andlie had her six month check-up today.  She was so brave!  She went right back when they called her name and did just what they said while they "took pictures of her teeth."  (With only minimal gagging.)  Then she watched her movie (and only occasionally made sour faces) while they cleaned her teefies.  The dentist said everything looked great - no cavities!  She left with a bag full of goodies: a toothbrush, a fake mustache (the prize of her choice), floss (which she used all the way home), and toothpaste.  Oh, and lots of proudness.  Pride, I guess.  Yay for healthy teeth and brave Andlie!

April 9 - Date Night

Andlie & Daddy went on a date tonight!  I didn't get a picture of the two of them all dressed up before they left (curses), but I did snap one of her talking about what was gonna happen tonight.  They went and saw, "The Croods," and she loved it!  Daddy said that she sat on the edge of her seat and laughed and enjoyed the entire movie.  (Popcorn & pop were also enjoyed.) 

Mommy & Hazey went on a walk at home.  Haze watched me tell him my hands were cold and I wanted to put them in my pocket.  Then he immediately copied me & said, "Pock-ets, toooo, Mommy!"  We saw "humogus faggies, rocks, big rocks, teeeeny rockies, doggies, jinga bells (chimes)," and much more!  Haze kept saying (to everything we saw), "Rock!  Big rock!  See ya, rock.  Ha good day.  Sleep good."  It was a fun night for us all.

April 8 - Score!

Daddy made like six points when he slam dunked Andlie in the hoop tonight.  Laughs all around!  (See why we love him so much?)

April 7 - General Conference

We've been watching Conference all day (& part of yesterday too).  Temple in Cedar!  How exciting!  I'd say which talks I loved and were inspiring, but that would be all of them.  What a wonderful weekend!

April 6 - Lake

We enjoyed a fun afternoon at the lake today!  It was kind of cold & rainy when we got there, but it warmed up and we had lots of fun throwing rocks in the water & watching ducks pass us by.  Those ducks didn't really enjoy our peanut butter crackers we fed them, but they pitied us. 

Andlie really loved using her new "gumbrella."  And every time Haze threw a rock in the water, he'd exclaim, "See that, Mommy?!?!"  Andlie totally turned in to Spiderman & was climbing all the big rocks.  Haze accidentally hit Bryan in the face with a rock.  (So did I, maybe.  I'm bad at skipping rocks.)  Bryan skipped rocks, like, all the way across the lake.  It was a great way to spend our Saturday!

April 5 - Friday Night Slides

Guess what we did tonight?  I'll give you some clues.  It's Friday night.  Actually, it's "No Cook Friday."  (We made that rule about one month into our marriage.  And, might I say, I love it!)  The kids only like pizza & chicken nuggets from restaurants.  We all love being outside.  Did you guess pizza at the park?  You're right!  And it was a lovely one!  (I love it when both kids are laughing & enjoying the sunshine and each other.)

April 4 - Wrights

As Becca said, "When did we start needing two pieces of furniture to take a picture?"  Back in our Vegas days, it was just four of us.  Now it's nine.  NINE.  And, I coulda used the picture where we're all nicely smiling, but that wouldn't have been as much fun, would it?  Love you, Wrights!  Come back soon!

Oh ya, and Haze also got in the bath with all of his clothes still on.  "There's bubbles in there, Mom.  Why are you making me wait so long?  Fine, I'll take care of it myself."

Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 3 - Visitors

Ate dinner on their wallets.  Played at the mall.  Got totally spoiled at the Disney store.  Visited & laughed.  Showed off.  Bounced off the walls in excitement.  Loved.  Played at the park.  Had fun.  Loved.  Hugged.  Great day.  Thanks, guys.  We love you!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2 - Worms

It rained last night so we went on a walk this morning to see how many worms we could find.  We found about twenty and this is how we looked each time we found a new one.  I love seeing the world through their eyes! 

I asked them if they wanted to hold it (and then I shuddered at the thought).  Andlie responded with a prompt, "NO!"  Haze said, "Eeeewe.  No!!!  Uh scured."

April 1 - Looking at Ants

Another fun night spent outside!  Andlie is old enough that she ditched me for her neighborhood friend, Isaac.  They were playing & laughing in the field across from our house.  I can't believe how big she is getting.  I'm so proud of her and the girl she is and is becoming.

While Andlie was turning into a teenager before my eyes, me & Haze looked at the ants in our driveway.  "Teeny bugs.  Where go?  Touch 'em.  Teeny bugs.  Many bugs.  Bu-bye, bugs."

March 31 - Easter 2013

Had a wonderful Easter!  It was so wonderful to have my parents & Bryce here for the holiday!  We ended the weekend with them with a quick visit to the temple where there were so many pretty flowers!  Then we came back home & dyed eggs.  Well, me & Bryan did.  The kids were way more interested in their sandbox.  Andlie did pity me and drop a couple in the color.  Bless her heart.  And Haze followed suit & hucked a couple "balls" into the "juice."  Happy Easter!

March 30 - Easter Saturday in Pictures

City Easter Egg Hunt
Getting ready to go find eggs.

Grama & Grampa

Andlie's Loot

Haze's Loot

New sandbox!

Shopping at the mall with Uncle Brycie.

Dad's Wingman is right!
Temple Square Flower

At Temple Square on our date!

Kids playing at home with Grama & Grampa.

Jazz Game!

Went on an Easter Egg Hunt, came home to find a new sandbox (total hit), went shopping @ the mall with Uncle Bryce & Grama & Grampa, they tended while me & Bryan went on our date which included Temple Square, Gateway, and the Jazz game.  Perfect Easter Saturday.  I love my family.  More than anything.