Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 6 - Lake

We enjoyed a fun afternoon at the lake today!  It was kind of cold & rainy when we got there, but it warmed up and we had lots of fun throwing rocks in the water & watching ducks pass us by.  Those ducks didn't really enjoy our peanut butter crackers we fed them, but they pitied us. 

Andlie really loved using her new "gumbrella."  And every time Haze threw a rock in the water, he'd exclaim, "See that, Mommy?!?!"  Andlie totally turned in to Spiderman & was climbing all the big rocks.  Haze accidentally hit Bryan in the face with a rock.  (So did I, maybe.  I'm bad at skipping rocks.)  Bryan skipped rocks, like, all the way across the lake.  It was a great way to spend our Saturday!

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