Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 9 - Date Night

Andlie & Daddy went on a date tonight!  I didn't get a picture of the two of them all dressed up before they left (curses), but I did snap one of her talking about what was gonna happen tonight.  They went and saw, "The Croods," and she loved it!  Daddy said that she sat on the edge of her seat and laughed and enjoyed the entire movie.  (Popcorn & pop were also enjoyed.) 

Mommy & Hazey went on a walk at home.  Haze watched me tell him my hands were cold and I wanted to put them in my pocket.  Then he immediately copied me & said, "Pock-ets, toooo, Mommy!"  We saw "humogus faggies, rocks, big rocks, teeeeny rockies, doggies, jinga bells (chimes)," and much more!  Haze kept saying (to everything we saw), "Rock!  Big rock!  See ya, rock.  Ha good day.  Sleep good."  It was a fun night for us all.

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