Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22 - Chocolate Milk Mustache

Someone tried chocolate milk today.  And also, this is his "smile for the camera" smile.  You gotta catch that kid casually if you want eyes.

November 21 - Pushing Buttons

Because I've been having lots of weird pregnancy pains, I spent most of the day on the couch today while the kids enjoyed some quality TV time.  While Andlie was at preschool, me & Hazey made a Sonic run.  He asked, "Can I push the buttons for ya, Momma?"  Pushing the buttons on soda lids is one of his most favorite activities in the world.  And somehow, he manages to push them on each family member's drinks every time we go out.

November 20 - Inja

Today, her outfit of choice was her "Inja" (aka Ninja) one.  She ran around the house kicking & posing & flipping & doing splits & being a gymnast/ninja.  She kept giving herself quiet pep talks in the hall like, "Okay, this one is gonna be kinda hard.  Okay.  Ready."  Then she would tell us to watch & run into the living room & do the trick.  She amazed us with many, many gymnast/ninja moves & wore herself right out!

November 19 - Little Boy

Haze has such a fun, tender personality!  He is always curious.  Always looking for something new to discover. Always sweet & tender.  Always open for a hug.  Gives smiles pretty easily.  Knows how to melt his Mom & Dad's hearts. 
Today he said covered his eyes & said, "Momma, I lost!"
And five minutes later, he was putting tiny pumpkins on his head & saying, "Momma, I Mickey Mouse!"
See?  Melts hearts.

November 18 - Eye Doc

I've been noticing that Andlie will cross her eyes a bit sometimes, especially when she watches TV up close - kind of like her eyes are trying to focus.  So I made an appointment with a pediatric eye doctor!  She went in for her appointment this morning!
She was soooooo excited to go to the eye doc - mostly because her awesome Daddy showed her a YouTube video of what would happen at the appointment last night.  She was prepared for naming all of the letters, looking through the "big binoculars," and talking to the doctor.  Daddy said, "It might be kind of weird, but it's not scary."  She said, "Sooooo, it might be kinda awkward?"  Nailed it.  Anyway, after having fun wearing the pirate patch & naming letters, the doc came in & said he'd like to dilate her eyes & test her for glasses.  When she found out she was getting glasses, she was thrilled.  "Oh my!  I get to have glasses!  I've just been wanting and wanting glasses!"
We left with a prescription & went glasses searching tonight where we found the most darling tiny glasses ever!  Can't wait for the real things in 7 - 10 days!  Is there a cuter little girl in glasses?  I just don't think so.

November 17 - Princess Andlie

Andlie has really been enjoying princesses & girly things lately!  Today she came upstairs in her Rapunzel princess dress, her Cinderella shoes, her long hair, and her princess crown!  Then she decided that she wanted to put her leotard on underneath the dress because "too much skin was showing."  That's my girl!  Then she came back in our room to do a princess curtsy just for the camera!  She's way more of a princess in our eyes than she even knows.

November 16 - Snow

It snowed!  Both kids couldn't wait to get their snow clothes on & play outside!  Since it was before noon, Bryan & I didn't have our clothes on & opted to stay inside.  But we had a great time watching our cute kids roll snowballs & make footprints from our front window.  And, before we knew it, Andlie was having us come and look at her snowman that she made all by herself!

November 15 - Lights On

We went down to the Lighting of Riverwoods tonight!  We saw thousands of lights, heard lots of Christmas music, saw big fireworks, and . . . . sat on Santa's lap!
Andlie; LOVED sitting on Santa's lap!  It was because of her that she & Daddy stood in line for 40 minutes so we could get the chance.  She wanted it that bad.  She could  hardly contain herself when we got to the front of the line.  Like jumping & squealing excitement!  She told him she wanted "lots of surprises."  After we were done with him, she jumped up and down (of course I joined her) and squealed about how proud she was of herself & how the elves had better get busy making her surprises!
Haze: Didn't seem to want to stand still in a long line, so me & him went on a walk.  We tried to go in the toy store, but because of people traffic, pretty much went in the front door & walked right through the store to the back door where we exited.  He really loved watching the Nutcracker dancers on the stage.  I put him on my shoulders so he could see and he was mesmerized.  Every time I would put him down, he'd ask, "Can I see the dancers, pees?"  Once Andlie & Daddy called & said we were getting close to Santa, we headed over.  Haze didn't cry & scream about Santa, but he wasn't so sure of the idea either.
After Santa, we went home & changed to jammies & then came back for fireworks!  And they did not disappoint!  We got a good seat by a warm fire & enjoyed the giant display as a family - all with big smiles on our faces!  Welcome, holiday season!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

November 14 - Skates

She still loves them!  Santa brought them to her almost two years ago and she's still rocking them!  I asked her to look at me for a pic and after she saw the first one, she said, "Can you take another one?"  And after I agreed, she struck the second roller dirby pose for me.  She is witty.  And funny.  And clever.  And smart.  Love her.

November 13 - Band Aids

He said, "Mom, I got a owie on my nose.  I needa Ang-wie Birds band aid."  So I put one where he said his owie was and the problem was solved.  Easy.

November 12 - Shopping Super Heros

What?  Does your daughter not go couch shopping dressed as a super girl with a mask & a backpack full of swords?  And does your son not go dressed as a pirate shouting, "YO HO, ARRRRR?"

November 11 - Belt

Andlie came out of her room this morning ready for the day wearing her heart belt.  She put it on all by herself & thought she looked pretty fancy with such a beautiful belt on!  Well, so did I.  And so it spent the rest of the day on her cute little waist.

November 10 - Primary Program

It was Primary Program day today!  Andlie got a brand new, sparkly dress last night and then we came home where we painted her nails and picked out the pretty jewelry & bow she wanted to wear so she "could be extra pretty for the program."  She is so sweet.  She did such a great job today!  She was the only Sunbeam that knew most of the words to all the songs and sang them!  She even found a new favorite Primary song through the process - "Child's Prayer."  I hope she always loves & knows that song, especially the second verse. 
Heavenly Father, are you really there?
And do you hear and answer every child's prayer?
Some say that heaven is far away,
But I feel it close around me as I pray.
Heavenly Father, I remember now
Something that Jesus told disciples long ago:
"Suffer the children to come to me,"
Father in prayer, I'm coming now to Thee.
Pray, He is there.
Speak, He is listening.
You are His child.
His love now surrounds you.
He hears your prayers.
He loves the children.
Of such is the kingdom.
The kingdom of heaven.
The songs they sang were:
Child of God
Heavenly Father Loves Me
If the Savior Stood Beside Me
I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ
We Thank Thee, oh God, for a Prophet
When I am Baptized
Child's Prayer
Families Can Be Together Forever
She was very reverent on the stand during the entire program.  And when it was time for her part, she confidently stepped up to the mic, pulled it down to her mouth, smiled, and said it loudly & with no mistakes!  "God is my Heavenly Father."  I was beaming.  She makes me so proud.  I love her so much!
And for good measure, Haze got a new Sunday shirt today too.  He would only pose for a picture without crying because I bribed him with Skittles.  He's got a hard head.  Probably gets it from Daddy.

November 9 - Big Boy Bed

Today was the last morning for Haze to wake up in a crib.  Daddy converted his crib to a big boy toddler bed today!  I can't believe he is this big.  To me he'll always be my funny, handsome, easy smiling, blonde-haired baby boy. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

November 8 - Three Babies

All three of my favorite little people hanging out with me on the bed.  Haze is lounging on my legs eating his favorite food - candy.  Andlie is lying next to me with her feet crossed.  Notice the stamps on them.  She got stamps at preschool this week & now we all have decorated hands & feet.  Andlie & Haze have decorated hands, feet, arms, tummies, and faces.  And baby girl is resting & wiggling softly in my tummy (bottom left).  I'm thankful & full of love.  Beyond words.  How'd we get so lucky?

November 7 - Reading

Andlie wanted to take a few bananas to preschool this morning (she gets one banana for each book we read), so she thought of her own solution: read a few books to Haze!  She read "Fidgety Fish," "Just Go To Bed," "The Sea Park," and "Princess Manners."  And she didn't just make up stories.  She pretty much has these books memorized and did a pretty great job at "reading" what was on each page.  They laughed & read for a good 20 minutes together!  Good girl, Andlie! 

November 6 - Cheerleader in Training

This girl knows how to make her Mommy proud!  I told her we could get my old cheer outfits out some time, but not today.  So she told me she was gonna go make her own cheerleader outfit, disappeared for a while, and came back wearing a leotard, a skirt, two belts, "cheer shoes", and a big bow got added later.  Then she picked up my old pom poms, jumped into the position above, and shouted, "Gooooooooo basketball!"  All with her big, pretty smile!  That's my girl.

November 5 - Big 3-0

Today was Bryan's big 3-0 birthday! 
He went to work to find that I had decorated his cubicle & left treats & presents (one to open on each odd hour)!
Me & the kids surprised him & delivered balloons to his work!
He opened work presents through the day.
He came home to a surprise - his parents were here!
We went to a birthday dinner at Red Robin where he got a birthday ice cream sundae on the house!
Came home & opened presents.
Hope he had a great day - he totally deserves it!  I'm so thankful for everything that he does for our family and especially for me.  He is my best friend.  I feel so blessed, thankful, and lucky every day.
"I like to hold his hand and do the pull up to his shoulder trick & I can climb on him.  I like to go to the park with him.  I love Daddy because he's strong & funny." - - Andlie
"I love Daddy!  Because peek-a-boo!" - - Haze
Happy birthday, Bryan!! We love you!

November 4 - Playing With the Phone

Mommy & Hazey played with the phone camera while Andlie was at preschool today.  Haze is waving to himself in this picture. 

November 3 - Flashlights

Silly time change made it so it gets dark before we can even get our Sunday temple walk in.  No fear!  The kids got flashlights from Shennie this week so we used them for our walk!  When we asked if they wanted to get their coats on & bring their flashlights to the temple, we heard a big ol', "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"  It was a fun activity & we heard giggles & running feet as they "lighted the way and led us" all the way around the temple!  (And then we ran to the car to get warm.)

November 2 - Where's Haze?

It's his best hiding spot in the house & usually he'll hide there, giggle, and say, "I'm lost, Momma.  Where's Hazey?"  And get the biggest thrill out of us wandering around asking where he is while he giggles.  When he can't stand it any longer, he pops out & belly laughs!

November 1 - Oldest Cousin

Andlie & Kadri read books & played before Kadri & Sander had to leave this morning.  We had a great time with them & were sad to see them leave! 
Andlie is a great oldest cousin.  She reads books to the younger ones & watches out for them & just loves them.  What a sweet girl.

October 31 - Halloween

What a fun Halloween we had this year!  One of the best parts was that we got to spend a lot of the day with Tony, Leslie, Kadri, & Sander!  Here's a glimpse of what our day looked like.
Kids woke up to a crete paper spider web blocking their bathroom!  They thought that was pretty funny.
We ate "monster" pancakes (green ones with chocolate chip eyes) & purple milk for breakfast.
We went to Andlie's preschool Halloween program where she said her part loud & clear with a cute giggle at the end: "Oh my!  There's a spider in my eye!"  She also knew all the words & actions to all the songs!  We were very proud parents.
Had pumpkin shaped PB&Js for lunch.
Played outside in the leaves for a bit.
Went trick or treating at Daddy's work!  They had it decorated all over and several "candy stations" to stop at.  Then ended with milk & cookies!  Andlie even won the coloring contest for her age!
Went trick or treating in our neighborhood with Kadri & Sander.  At each door, Haze would say, "Trick or treat, please."  Then take a candy.  And then say, "'Nother one please."  And help himself to another.
Ate jack-o-lantern shaped pizza.
Played our homemade games.
Read Halloween stories.
Andlie was Merida from "Brave."  She loved it when people would mistake her for the real Merida all day!  During trick or treating, she daintily held up her dress with one hand and candy bucket with the other while she skipped.
Haze was a pirate & everywhere he went when prompted would tell people that a pirate says, "Yo ho!  Arrrrrrr!"
Happy Halloween 2013!

October 30 - Little Hands

We put on Halloween tattoos again today!  I love these little hands.  So so so much!
Sometimes you get discouraged
Because I am so small
And always leave my fingerprints
On furniture and walls.

But every day I'm growing -
I'll be grown some day
And all those tiny handprints
Will surely fade away.

So here's a little hand picture
Just so you can recall
Exactly how my fingers looked
When I was very small.

October 29 - Posers

All three kids did a great job posing today! 
First up, Andlie.  She is showing off this Halloween's latest trends - a Halloween hair bow, a Halloween witch tattoo on her hand, and some candy corn Halloween socks!  She is getting ready for a fun day at preschool!
Next, Haze.  He is showing off his modeling/striking a pose skills as he pimps around downstairs playing with the latest in toys - cardboard boxes & mattresses.
Baby Girl.  She showed off her pretty little profile in today's ultrasound exam.  Can't wait to meet her.  (I went in to check the position of the placenta - all looks great.)

October 28 - Bowling

We went bowling for FHE tonight!  We went to a mini lane, so the balls were small enough for the kids to hold & throw themselves.  And the pins were super easy to knock down.  If you can't tell by the pictures, the kids totally got in to the sport & had a blast!  That might even be an understatement.  Both of them were jumping up & down and shouting with glee, "Good job, Andlie/Haze!  You did it!"  There were lots of giggles and praises and high fives and skipping and happiness all around.  Best $4 ever spent.

October 27 - Homemade

Today we worked on making homemade Halloween games.  Mommy drew the shapes on the cardboard, Daddy cut them out, and the kids painted the pumpkin orange!  Soon it will be our very own beanbag toss game!

October 26 - Indoor Fun

It's starting to get pretty cold outside.  Tonight we decided that wouldn't stop us from playing on slides & in tunnels!  We headed down to Riverwoods to play on the indoor playground.  Both kids had a lot of fun!  Andlie was moving & jumping & sliding the entire time - I couldn't even get a clear picture!  Haze enjoyed lounging on the big, soft blocks & making tunnels to crawl through.  We are thankful to live close to so many fun things!