Friday, November 8, 2013

October 31 - Halloween

What a fun Halloween we had this year!  One of the best parts was that we got to spend a lot of the day with Tony, Leslie, Kadri, & Sander!  Here's a glimpse of what our day looked like.
Kids woke up to a crete paper spider web blocking their bathroom!  They thought that was pretty funny.
We ate "monster" pancakes (green ones with chocolate chip eyes) & purple milk for breakfast.
We went to Andlie's preschool Halloween program where she said her part loud & clear with a cute giggle at the end: "Oh my!  There's a spider in my eye!"  She also knew all the words & actions to all the songs!  We were very proud parents.
Had pumpkin shaped PB&Js for lunch.
Played outside in the leaves for a bit.
Went trick or treating at Daddy's work!  They had it decorated all over and several "candy stations" to stop at.  Then ended with milk & cookies!  Andlie even won the coloring contest for her age!
Went trick or treating in our neighborhood with Kadri & Sander.  At each door, Haze would say, "Trick or treat, please."  Then take a candy.  And then say, "'Nother one please."  And help himself to another.
Ate jack-o-lantern shaped pizza.
Played our homemade games.
Read Halloween stories.
Andlie was Merida from "Brave."  She loved it when people would mistake her for the real Merida all day!  During trick or treating, she daintily held up her dress with one hand and candy bucket with the other while she skipped.
Haze was a pirate & everywhere he went when prompted would tell people that a pirate says, "Yo ho!  Arrrrrrr!"
Happy Halloween 2013!

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