Friday, November 22, 2013

November 18 - Eye Doc

I've been noticing that Andlie will cross her eyes a bit sometimes, especially when she watches TV up close - kind of like her eyes are trying to focus.  So I made an appointment with a pediatric eye doctor!  She went in for her appointment this morning!
She was soooooo excited to go to the eye doc - mostly because her awesome Daddy showed her a YouTube video of what would happen at the appointment last night.  She was prepared for naming all of the letters, looking through the "big binoculars," and talking to the doctor.  Daddy said, "It might be kind of weird, but it's not scary."  She said, "Sooooo, it might be kinda awkward?"  Nailed it.  Anyway, after having fun wearing the pirate patch & naming letters, the doc came in & said he'd like to dilate her eyes & test her for glasses.  When she found out she was getting glasses, she was thrilled.  "Oh my!  I get to have glasses!  I've just been wanting and wanting glasses!"
We left with a prescription & went glasses searching tonight where we found the most darling tiny glasses ever!  Can't wait for the real things in 7 - 10 days!  Is there a cuter little girl in glasses?  I just don't think so.

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