Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25 - In Our Shoes

"Look, Momma!  I in Daddy's shoes!"  "Ya, Hazey is!  And I'm wearing your red shoes!"  "Take a picture!"

October 24 - "I Want Canny"

"I want some canny, Momma."
"I want some choc-o-lot."
"Momma, can I have some canny coooorns?"
"I want maaaaaaany candies, K?"
"Momma, can I have some canny?"
Haze is just like his Daddy.  That boy loves him some sugar.  And lots of it.  He was so thrilled tonight when I finally said yes to the candy corns & gave him a "whole buncha" candy corns in his hands.

October 23 - Silly Pumpkins

Today we put our silly faces on the pumpkins that we painted at the ward party last night.  The kids thought these faces were totally hilarious and kept cracking up when they looked at them.  Haze kept saying, "Look at the siwy face, Momma!  Siwy pumpkin!  I love pumpkins, huh?"  Yes, yes you do, Hazey.

October 22 - My Nature Collection

Andlie has been wanting to make a nature collection for a long time.  So today, we did it!  She gathered things she wanted on the poster and I helped her glue them on.  She wrote "My Nature Collection" all by herself and arranged things where she wanted them to go.  She is turning into a curious & smart little girl.  And pretty & kind & polite & obedient & funny & happy. 

October 21 - Pumpkins

We carved/painted pumpkins tonight!  (Note: I am never carving again.  Painting was waaaaaay better.)  I even painted one for our little baby on the way.  Some things to remember from tonight:
  • Andlie: While using green paint: “Eeeeewe, this looks like green boogers!”  Haze repeated the same sentence.
  • Haze to Andlie: “Your punkin looks good, Andwie!”  Andlie: “Yours does too, Hazey!  Good job!”
  • Haze: (After about half hour): “K, we’re alllllllllll done.”
  • Haze: (After the first time he got paint on his hands): “Uh oh.  Ewe.  Mom!!  Wipe it off!”
  • Andlie: (After seeing Daddy’s pumpkin cut open): “Hey, I want some seeds.”
  • Andlie to Daddy: “Your pumpkin smile looks cool, Dad.”
  • Andlie: “I’m gonna color ‘5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate’ on my pumpkin when it’s dry.”
  • Andlie: “I want more color.”  “Which color?” “Um, green and black and yellow and purple and red and green.”
  • Haze: Kept saying, “I need more colors!  I paintin.”

October 20 - Reading Scriptures

"It says, 'Heavenly Father loves everyone.'"

October 19 - Getaway

Me & Bryan left the kids with Grama & Grampa last night & spent the night in a hotel!  Oh my wonderful. 
We were lazy.  We swam.  We ate lots of food.  We went and got gas station treats at midnight.  We fell asleep with the lights & TV on.  We woke up late.  We stayed in bed for a couple more hours.  We visited and laughed.  We were together.  And it was perfect.  I love my Bryan so much.  We both got home feeling refreshed & less stressed.  Being together with him equals happiness.  I'm pretty lucky.  We had a great 22 hours together. 

October 18 - More Family Fun

We took our guests to Pumpkinland today!  We all had a great time together laughing & visiting and, again, just being together.  What perfect parents/grandparents we are blessed with. 

October 17 - Grama & Grampa

And guess who came today?!  Grama & Grampa!  Had a great day again!  We played and played and played!  And Grama had dance parties with the kids.  And Grampa played ball with Haze.  And we went to the mall.  And got treats.  And ate pizza for dinner.  And had a wonderful day! 

October 16 - Daisey & Mandy

Mandy & Daisey came today!  We had so much fun!  We hung out at home, Andlie showed them her preschool, we played inside & outside, we pushed each other in the doll stroller, we went to the Halloween store, we just enjoyed being together!  We love Daisey & Mand!

October 15 - So Far Away

Haze learned a new trick.  He does this whenever he's looking at something "far away."  For instance, when he is looking at Dad across the dinner table.  Or at a bug on the ground.  Or at a tree outside. Or a bird overhead.  Pretty much anything farther away than his hands.  "I see you now, Daddy!" 

October 14 - Home Sweet Home

Made it home today.  I think we were all a bit tuckered out after such a fun weekend.

October 13 - Relaxing Sunday

Another great day in Cedar.  We just hung out, napped, relaxed, played outside, visited, and enjoyed being. . .home.
Pictured in the background about Grampa's head is a Halloween picture Andlie drew & hung on their wall. And Andlie has a big ol' wad of candy in her cheeks.  As she says, "I can do aaaaaaaaaanything I want at Grama's house!"

October 12 - Parade & Football

SUU Homecoming festivities continued today!  First we went to the parade.  Andlie totally hit the jackpot and came home with an entire grocery bag full of candy.  Literally.  Plus every time she'd get a piece of candy, she'd come back to the curb with her arms held high in the "I am the champion" kinda way and a big ol' grin!
Then we went to the bookstore to look for some new T-shirts.  Haze was a totally lady-killer in an SUU hat.
Next up: football game!  And this year, we got to sit in the actual stands (thank you, Mindy) which was awesome!  We had a great time!  Haze even fell asleep towards the end of the game.  Both kids both had a great time eating Grama & Grampa's popcorn & hanging out with them there.
We're so glad that we were able to be at SUU for Homecoming!  It was a great weekend and we really had fun celebrating SUU.  We bleed SUU red!

October 11 - SUU Party

We made it to Cedar!  Me & the kids took off around 10 AM by ourselves.  We braved the fog & looooong drive and made it in time to surprise Grama at work & Grampa at home on his lunch!  What a fun way to start our weekend!  Daddy arrived around 7 and then we all headed to the big party at SUU!  Andlie got to debut her new Winter coat!  (Haze could have had the same opportunity, but he wailed & gnashed his teeth at the thought of putting on his new coat.  Don't ask why because I have no idea.)
We had a great time at the party with Grama, Grampa, Mindy, and Shennie!  Andlie spent most of the night with Mindy & even got to start the fireworks by saying, "Go, fireworks!"  She was pretty proud.  And she should be!  Those fireworks were awesome and we loved them!  Haze was completely amazed.  Mind blown.  Because they were awesome!  We left with a giant balloon in tow, two warm & sleepy babies, and ringing ears & flashing lights in our eyes.  Seriously, the fireworks....Woe.

October 10 - 28 Weeks

28 weeks today!  Yahoo!  Went and had my glucose test and Rhogam shot yesterday.  Everything looks great!  At the 28 week appointment, everything looked great as well!  Doctor mentioned that I was measuring a little bit big, but that has happened with all of our babies now.  Hopefully it means that she'll come early like her siblings!
At 28 weeks, I have gained 19 pounds.  I love, love, love feeling her move around and she does it a lot!  The movements are big and deliberate now and move my tummy around enough that you can see from the outside.  I love it.  I always miss this stage when baby arrives.  My back is starting to really bug me.  It hurts if I lie or sit down for too long, but also if I'm walking around too much.  I am also getting heartburn more frequently.  I can't believe she still has 12 weeks left to grow - I feel giant!  We are starting to plan for her arrival & move beds & kids around.  So grateful that things are progressing well.  I love being pregnant.  It's such a miracle.  And I already love our little girl.

October 9 - First Field Trip

Andlie went on her first field trip today!  And, because I don't have to be tied down to a computer any more, I got to come!  We went to the fire station & saw all the cool things there.  Andlie made sure to wear her firefighter had that she had made the day before at school.
Andlie & her best friend, Lexie, immediately held hands & started giggling when we got there.  They watched out for each other all morning.  They even got so busy giggling and talking that they almost missed the class picture in the helicopter so they jumped in front at the last minute! 
There are not words to describe how happy we are that Andlie is enjoying preschool this year.  She is thriving.  She loves learning.  She is so excited to go to school every morning.  She loves her teacher.  She loves her friends.  She wants to learn how to read.  She is confident.  She is happy.  We are so grateful.  What an answer to prayers.  And so proud! 

October 8 - Stair Seeping

On our way upstairs this afternoon, Haze told me that he was "gonna go to seep on the tairs.  Shhhh.  Night night, Momma.  Turn ight off."  So I did.  And he closed his cute little eyes and pretended to sleep.  He melts my heart.  I mean, look at that smile.

October 7 - Enjoying Sunshine

It was a beautiful day outside so we spent our morning enjoying it!  I just love our babies.  So much.

October 6 - Split Chin

Poor Haze split his chin on the bath tub last night & we spent an hour at InstaCare.  He was in a much better mood today & even showed me his chin on demand - with a smile!
Here's the story.  Tried to jump out of the bath, slipped, and bonked his chin on the rim of the tub.  It was a pretty deep cut.  Deep enough that we could see some fat.  It wasn’t too long – about an inch.  But it was gaping every time he would move.  Andlie was so sweet.  While I was tending to Haze, Bryan was tending to her.  Her sweet eyes were watering and she was really sad for her brother.  She kept asking Daddy if Haze was gonna be okay.  She was very concerned and pretty shaken up. 
Went to InstaCare at about 9.  Got back to the room and they put numbing gel on his chin.  He hated every second and Andlie did too.  Haze cried every time the doctor came near him.  Andlie was looking at him very sympathetically and sadly.  She & Daddy left the room when it was time for stitches.  Daddy says she was still very shaken up and even started physically shaking in the waiting room.  She said she felt sad when Haze was hurt or sick.  She even got a little pale.  She was so so sweet. 
Haze had to be tied down in the papoose.  Hated it.  Screamed & cried the entire time – about 15 minutes.  He kept screaming, “Momma, I wanna hold ya right now!  I wanna go home right now!  I want my blankie!”  I just stayed by him & tickled his face and patted his shoulder & rubbed his blankie on his face.  I tried talking about his favorite things – basketball, Mickey, yogurt, etc.  He wasn’t having it.  He was super sweaty by the time the doc was done, but he did not end up getting stitches!  He got glue instead, which meant no numbing shot & no needles!  Yay!  He was pretty quick to snuggle when the doc was done.  Andlie & Daddy were waiting patiently & happy to see us when we walked out.  Andlie had a sweet smile on her face & asked if he was okay now.  It was so tender to see her be so sweet.  Haze was pretty tough, but definitely did not enjoy his trip to the doc.  He told Grama today on the phone,  “I jumped on the bath to Momma.  Hurt my chin.  Doctor fixed it.  All better.”
We are very grateful for kind & knowledgeable nurses & doctors who were able to help our sweet Haze & thankful that everything turned out how it did.

October 5 - Pumpkinland

We went to Pumpkinland in between Conference sessions today!  There was so much to do and we had a blast as a family!  We saw live animals (Haze's favorite - though I think I caught the picture above right when the chickens pecked his fingers), played on a playground full of Halloween tunnels & huts, went through a corn maze, and went home with a few pumpkins!  We had a great afternoon!

Friday, October 4, 2013

October 4 - First Skiff

Woke up to this this morning.  First powder of the season.  Not ready.  Definitely not.

October 3 - Fixing the Van

When we bought our van last week, we noticed there were a few minor cosmetic things we would like fixed.  The dealership told us they'd be happy to fix those things at no cost to us.  So today, me & the kids took the van in.  They did great for the first hour.  The second hour got a little rough & we had to get some fresh air.  By the end of the second hour, we were wreaking havoc & doing whatever we could to keep everyone happy - eating candy, playing in the tire piles, jumping off the couch, standing on the table.  Whatever.  We made it though & the van is fixed!

October 2 - Dentist

Dentist appointment today!  Bright & early too.  Double whammy.  Andlie did great - as usual.  When the dentist was picking at her teeth with his metal tools, she said, "Hey, it's like he's playing music on my teeth!"  Everyone loved that.  She left with a Belle toothbrush, smiles, & no cavities!
Haze didn't love the appointment.  He screamed & cried while getting x-rays, then calmed down when he watched the movie on the ceiling, then cried again during cleaning, flossing, and exam time.  By the end, he was crying, "Wanna hold ya right now, Mom!"  He left with a Winnie the Pooh toothbrush, tears, & no cavities!

October 1 - Beans & Water

I captured a picture of one of Haze's favorite things today - gathering things to throw in the street drains, piling them up, and throwing them in one by one while listening to them hit the bottom.  Today, he was gathering "beans" (AKA small seeds) and throwing them in the drain by our house. "Ah!  Mom!  I see a bean!  Get it!  Throw it down dere!"
This is one of his favorite things wherever we are - the temple, car dealerships, grocery store, anywhere.  He can find the drain and grab some rocks to put in it.  He must be a boy.

September 30 - Spiiiider

Saw a spider on the wall.  Told Haze to look at it.  He glared instead.  "Get out of our house, spiiiiider."

September 29 - Sunday Relaxing

Every Sunday has the same routine.  Church, lunch, Mommy & Haze nap while Andlie & Daddy play downstairs, dinner, temple walk.  Today was different though.  Today, Andlie came and gave me a snuggle on the couch while I was winding down.  I love snuggles with my babies.  (In case you couldn't tell by my smile.)

September 28 - Pumpkin Festival

We went to a Pumpkin Festival today!  They had lots of fun things for the kids - a giant rocking chair, an apple toss with prizes, a huge pumpkin pie to see, and tons of giant pumpkins.  The giant pumpkin pic didn't quite turn out as I'd imagined.  But hey, Andlie's eyes couldn't open because it was too bright and Haze really, really needed to grab & pull the caution tape. 
The rocking chair pic, however, turned out just like I imagined.  Cuties.

September 27 - Scary Face

"Guys, show me a scary face!"