Friday, October 4, 2013

October 2 - Dentist

Dentist appointment today!  Bright & early too.  Double whammy.  Andlie did great - as usual.  When the dentist was picking at her teeth with his metal tools, she said, "Hey, it's like he's playing music on my teeth!"  Everyone loved that.  She left with a Belle toothbrush, smiles, & no cavities!
Haze didn't love the appointment.  He screamed & cried while getting x-rays, then calmed down when he watched the movie on the ceiling, then cried again during cleaning, flossing, and exam time.  By the end, he was crying, "Wanna hold ya right now, Mom!"  He left with a Winnie the Pooh toothbrush, tears, & no cavities!

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