Friday, October 25, 2013

October 6 - Split Chin

Poor Haze split his chin on the bath tub last night & we spent an hour at InstaCare.  He was in a much better mood today & even showed me his chin on demand - with a smile!
Here's the story.  Tried to jump out of the bath, slipped, and bonked his chin on the rim of the tub.  It was a pretty deep cut.  Deep enough that we could see some fat.  It wasn’t too long – about an inch.  But it was gaping every time he would move.  Andlie was so sweet.  While I was tending to Haze, Bryan was tending to her.  Her sweet eyes were watering and she was really sad for her brother.  She kept asking Daddy if Haze was gonna be okay.  She was very concerned and pretty shaken up. 
Went to InstaCare at about 9.  Got back to the room and they put numbing gel on his chin.  He hated every second and Andlie did too.  Haze cried every time the doctor came near him.  Andlie was looking at him very sympathetically and sadly.  She & Daddy left the room when it was time for stitches.  Daddy says she was still very shaken up and even started physically shaking in the waiting room.  She said she felt sad when Haze was hurt or sick.  She even got a little pale.  She was so so sweet. 
Haze had to be tied down in the papoose.  Hated it.  Screamed & cried the entire time – about 15 minutes.  He kept screaming, “Momma, I wanna hold ya right now!  I wanna go home right now!  I want my blankie!”  I just stayed by him & tickled his face and patted his shoulder & rubbed his blankie on his face.  I tried talking about his favorite things – basketball, Mickey, yogurt, etc.  He wasn’t having it.  He was super sweaty by the time the doc was done, but he did not end up getting stitches!  He got glue instead, which meant no numbing shot & no needles!  Yay!  He was pretty quick to snuggle when the doc was done.  Andlie & Daddy were waiting patiently & happy to see us when we walked out.  Andlie had a sweet smile on her face & asked if he was okay now.  It was so tender to see her be so sweet.  Haze was pretty tough, but definitely did not enjoy his trip to the doc.  He told Grama today on the phone,  “I jumped on the bath to Momma.  Hurt my chin.  Doctor fixed it.  All better.”
We are very grateful for kind & knowledgeable nurses & doctors who were able to help our sweet Haze & thankful that everything turned out how it did.

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