Friday, October 25, 2013

October 9 - First Field Trip

Andlie went on her first field trip today!  And, because I don't have to be tied down to a computer any more, I got to come!  We went to the fire station & saw all the cool things there.  Andlie made sure to wear her firefighter had that she had made the day before at school.
Andlie & her best friend, Lexie, immediately held hands & started giggling when we got there.  They watched out for each other all morning.  They even got so busy giggling and talking that they almost missed the class picture in the helicopter so they jumped in front at the last minute! 
There are not words to describe how happy we are that Andlie is enjoying preschool this year.  She is thriving.  She loves learning.  She is so excited to go to school every morning.  She loves her teacher.  She loves her friends.  She wants to learn how to read.  She is confident.  She is happy.  We are so grateful.  What an answer to prayers.  And so proud! 

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