Friday, October 25, 2013

October 10 - 28 Weeks

28 weeks today!  Yahoo!  Went and had my glucose test and Rhogam shot yesterday.  Everything looks great!  At the 28 week appointment, everything looked great as well!  Doctor mentioned that I was measuring a little bit big, but that has happened with all of our babies now.  Hopefully it means that she'll come early like her siblings!
At 28 weeks, I have gained 19 pounds.  I love, love, love feeling her move around and she does it a lot!  The movements are big and deliberate now and move my tummy around enough that you can see from the outside.  I love it.  I always miss this stage when baby arrives.  My back is starting to really bug me.  It hurts if I lie or sit down for too long, but also if I'm walking around too much.  I am also getting heartburn more frequently.  I can't believe she still has 12 weeks left to grow - I feel giant!  We are starting to plan for her arrival & move beds & kids around.  So grateful that things are progressing well.  I love being pregnant.  It's such a miracle.  And I already love our little girl.

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