Friday, October 25, 2013

October 21 - Pumpkins

We carved/painted pumpkins tonight!  (Note: I am never carving again.  Painting was waaaaaay better.)  I even painted one for our little baby on the way.  Some things to remember from tonight:
  • Andlie: While using green paint: “Eeeeewe, this looks like green boogers!”  Haze repeated the same sentence.
  • Haze to Andlie: “Your punkin looks good, Andwie!”  Andlie: “Yours does too, Hazey!  Good job!”
  • Haze: (After about half hour): “K, we’re alllllllllll done.”
  • Haze: (After the first time he got paint on his hands): “Uh oh.  Ewe.  Mom!!  Wipe it off!”
  • Andlie: (After seeing Daddy’s pumpkin cut open): “Hey, I want some seeds.”
  • Andlie to Daddy: “Your pumpkin smile looks cool, Dad.”
  • Andlie: “I’m gonna color ‘5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate’ on my pumpkin when it’s dry.”
  • Andlie: “I want more color.”  “Which color?” “Um, green and black and yellow and purple and red and green.”
  • Haze: Kept saying, “I need more colors!  I paintin.”

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